• My wheel is in the dark!

    I cannot see a spoke

    Yet know its dripping feet

    Go round and round.

    My foot is on the Tide!

    An unfrequented road —

    Yet have all roads

    A clearing at the end —

    Some have resigned the Loom —

    Some in the busy tomb


  • By the winding Wollondilly where the weeping willows weep,

    And the shepherd, with his billy, half awake and half asleed,

    Folds his fleecy flocks that linger homewards in the setting sun

    Lived my hero, Jim the Ringer, "cocky" on Mylora Run.

    Jimmy loved the super's daughter, Miss Amelia Jane McGrath.

    Long and...

  • Myself can read the Telegrams

    A Letter chief to me

    The Stock's advance and Retrograde

    And what the Markets say

    The Weather — how the Rains

    In Counties have begun.

    'Tis News as null as nothing,

    But sweeter so — than none.

  • Myself was formed — a Carpenter —

    An unpretending time

    My Plane — and I, together wrought

    Before a Builder came —

    To measure our attainments —

    Had we the Art of Boards

    Sufficiently developed — He'd hire us

    At Halves —

    My Tools took Human — Faces —

    The Bench...

  • *

    Nail his neck to the Cross nail it with a nail

    Nail his neck to the Cross ye all have power over his tail

  • Nature affects to be sedate

    Upon occasion, grand

    But let our observation shut

    Her practices extend

    To Necromancy and the Trades

    Remote to understand

    Behold our spacious Citizen

    Unto a Juggler turned —

  • Nature and God — I neither knew

    Yet Both so well knew me

    They startled, like Executors

    Of My identity.

    Yet Neither told — that I could learn —

    My Secret as secure

    As Herschel's private interest

    Or Mercury's affair —

  • Nature assigns the Sun —

    That — is Astronomy —

    Nature cannot enact a Friend —

    That — is Astrology.

  • Nature can do no more

    She has fulfilled her Dyes

    Whatever Flower fail to come

    Of other Summer days

    Her crescent reimburse

    If other Summers be

    Nature's imposing negative

    Nulls opportunity —

  • Nature — sometimes sears a Sapling —

    Sometimes — scalps a Tree —

    Her Green People recollect it

    When they do not die —

    Fainter Leaves — to Further Seasons —

    Dumbly testify —

    We — who have the Souls —

    Die oftener — Not so vitally —