• My friend must be a Bird —

    Because it flies!

    Mortal, my friend must be,

    Because it dies!

    Barbs has it, like a Bee!

    Ah, curious friend!

    Thou puzzlest me!

  • My God — He sees thee —

    Shine thy best —

    Fling up thy Balls of Gold

    Till every Cubit play with thee

    And every Crescent hold —

    Elate the Acre at his feet —

    Upon his Atom swim —

    Oh Sun — but just a Second's right

    In thy long Race with him!

  • My Heart upon a little Plate

    Her Palate to delight

    A Berry or a Bun, would be,

    Might it an Apricot!

  • My life closed twice before its close—

    It yet remains to see

    If Immortality unveil

    A third event to me

    So huge, so hopeless to conceive

    As these that twice befell.

    Parting is all we know of heaven,

    And all we need of hell.

  • My Reward for Being, was This.

    My premium — My Bliss —

    An Admiralty, less —

    A Sceptre — penniless —

    And Realms — just Dross —

    When Thrones accost my Hands —

    With "Me, Miss, Me" —

    I'll unroll Thee —

    Dominions dowerless — beside this Grace —

    Election — Vote —...

  • My River runs to thee —

    Blue Sea! Wilt welcome me?

    My River wait reply —

    Oh Sea — look graciously —

    I'll fetch thee Brooks

    From spotted nooks —

    Say — Sea — Take Me!

  • My Season's furthest Flower —

    I tenderer commend

    Because I found Her Kinsmanless,

    A Grace without a Friend.

  • My Soul — accused me — And I quailed —

    As Tongue of Diamond had reviled

    All else accused me — and I smiled —

    My Soul — that Morning — was My friend —

    Her favor — is the best Disdain

    Toward Artifice of Time — or Men —

    But Her Disdain — 'twere lighter bear

    A finger of Enamelled Fire —...

  •  * * *[1]

    My Spectre around me night & day

    Like a Wild beast guards my way

    My Emanation far within

    Weeps incessantly for my Sin

    A Fathomless & boundless deep

    There we wander there we weep

    * * *

    My title as [a] Genius[3] thus is provd

    Not Praisd by Hayley nor by Flaxman lovd