• Like her the Saints retire,

    In their Chapeaux of fire,

    Martial as she!

    Like her the Evenings steal

    Purple and Cochineal

    After the Day!

    "Departed" — both — they say!

    i.e. gathered away,

    Not found,

    Argues the Aster still —

    Reasons the...

  • Like Mighty Foot Lights — burned the Red

    At Bases of the Trees —

    The far Theatricals of Day

    Exhibiting — to These —

    'Twas Universe — that did applaud —

    While Chiefest — of the Crowd —

    Enabled by his Royal Dress —

    Myself distinguished God —

  • Like Rain it sounded till it curved

    And then I new 'twas Wind —

    It walked as wet as any Wave

    But swept as dry as sand —

    When it had pushed itself away

    To some remotest Plain

    A coming as of Hosts was heard

    It filled the Wells, it pleased the Pools

    It warbled in the Road —

  • Like Some Old fashioned Miracle

    When Summertime is done —

    Seems Summer's Recollection

    And the Affairs of June

    As infinite Tradition

    As Cinderella's Bays —

    Or Little John — of Lincoln Green —

    Or Blue Beard's Galleries —

    Her Bees have a fictitious Hum —


  • Like Trains of Cars on Tracks of Plush

    I hear the level Bee —

    A Jar across the Flowers goes

    Their Velvet Masonry —

    Withstands until the sweet Assault

    Their Chivalry consumes —

    While He, victorious tilts away

    To vanquish other Blooms.

  •         Sing me that song again,

                That wild, impassioned lay;

            The tumult of my throbbing brain

                Thy voice shall charm away.


            Pour that harmonious flood

                Upon my thirsting ear;

            'Twill cool the fever of my blood


  • * * *

    For Fortunes favours you your riches bring

    But Fortune says she gave you no such thing

    Why should you be ungrateful to your friends

    Sneaking & Backbiting & Odds & Ends

  • Much madness is divinest sense

    To a discerning eye ;

    Much sense the starkest madness.

    'T is the majority

    In this, as all, prevails.

    Assent, and you are sane ;

    Demur, — you're straightway dangerous,

    And handled...

  • Oh, Mulligan's bar was the deuce of a place

    To drink, and to fight, and to gamble and race;

    The height of choice spirits from near and from far

    Were all concentrated on Mulligan's bar.

    There was "Jerry the Swell", and the jockey-boy Ned,

    "Dog-bite-me" — so called from the shape of his head —

    And a...

  • Must be a Woe —

    A loss or so —

    To bend the eye

    Best Beauty's way —

    But — once aslant

    It notes Delight

    As difficult

    As Stalactite

    A Common Bliss

    Were had for less —

    The price — is

    Even as the Grace —

    Our lord —...