• Lest this be Heaven indeed

    An Obstacle is given

    That always gauges a Degree

    Between Ourself and Heaven.

  • Let down the Bars, Oh Death —

    The tired Flocks come in

    Whose bleating ceases to repeat

    Whose wandering is done —

    Thine is the stillest night

    Thine the securest Fold

    Too near Thou art for seeking Thee

    Too tender, to be told.

  • Let me not thirst with this Hock at my Lip,

    Nor beg, with Domains in my Pocket -

  •          *

    Let the Brothels of Paris be opened

    With many an alluring dance

    To awake the Physicians thro the city

    Said the beautiful Queen of France

    Then old Nobodaddy aloft

    Farted & belchd & coughd

    And said I love hanging & drawing & quartering

  • Let Us play Yesterday —

    I — the Girl at school —

    You — and Eternity — the

    Untold Tale —

    Easing my famine

    At my Lexicon —

    Logarithm — had I — for Drink —

    'Twas a dry Wine —

    Somewhat different — must be —

    Dreams tint the Sleep —

    Cunning Reds of...

  • Life — is what we make of it —

    Death — we do not know —

    Christ's acquaintance with Him

    Justify Him — though —

    He — would trust no stranger —

    Other — could betray —

    Just His own endorsement —

    That — sufficeth Me —

    All the other Distance

    He hath traversed...

  • Lift it — with the Feathers

    Not alone we fly —

    Launch it — the aquatic

    Not the only sea —

    Advocate the Azure

    To the lower Eyes —

    He has obligation

    Who has Paradise —

  • Lightly stepped a yellow star

    To its lofty place —

    Loosed the Moon her silver hat

    From her lustral Face —

    All of Evening softly lit

    As an Astral Hall —

    Father, I observed to Heaven,

    You are punctual.

  • Like Brooms of Steel

    The Snow and Wind

    Had swept the Winter Street —

    The House was hooked

    The Sun sent out

    Faint Deputies of Heat —

    Where rode the Bird

    The Silence tied

    His ample — plodding Steed

    The Apple in the Cellar snug

    Was all the one that played....

  • Like eyes that looked on Wastes —

    Incredulous of Ought

    But Blank — and steady Wilderness —

    Diversified by Night —

    Just Infinites of Nought —

    As far as it could see —

    So looked the face I looked upon —

    So looked itself — on Me —

    I offered it no Help —
