• The Kid

    Thou little Kid didst play


  • Kill your Balm — and its Odors bless you —

    Bare your Jessamine — to the storm —

    And she will fling her maddest perfume —

    Haply — your Summer night to Charm —

    Stab the Bird — that built in your bosom —

    Oh, could you catch her last Refrain —

    Bubble! "forgive" — "Some better" — Bubble!


  • Knock with tremor —

    These are Caesars —

    Should they be at Home

    Flee as if you trod unthinking

    On the Foot of Doom —

    These receded to accostal

    Centuries ago —

    Should they rend you with "How are you"

    What have you to show?

  •        The wail of France comes o'er the sea, --

                She mourns for thee, departed chief;

            And we, the children of the Free,

                Re-echo back the notes of grief.


            Thy course was like the morning sun,

                That lights two worlds, the east and west;

  • Come hither my boy tell me what thou seest there

    A fool tangled in a religious snare[3]

  • Lad of Athens faithful be to thyself and mystery—

    All the rest is perjury—

  • Lain in Nature — so suffice us

    The enchantless Pod

    When we advertise existence

    For the missing Seed —

    Maddest Heart that God created

    Cannot move a sod

    Pasted by the simple summer

    On the Longed for Dead

  • Lay this Laurel on the One

    Too intrinsic for Renown —

    Laurel — veil your deathless tree —

    Him you chasten, that is He!