•         "How the shadow the Ideal throws before it

            darkens the actual." -- Zanoni


            "La vie est un sommeil, l'amour en est le rêve;."


            A sad, sweet dream; it fell upon my soul

                When song and thought first woke their echoes there,

            Swaying my...

  •         I've met thee, whom I dared not hope to meet,

                Save in the enchanted land of my day-dreams:

            Yes, in this common world, this waking state,

                Thy living presence on my vision beams --

            Life's dream embodied in reality,

            And in thine eyes I read indifference to me!...

  • Ideals are the Fairly Oil

    With which we help the Wheel

    But when the Vital Axle turns

    The Eye rejects the Oil.

  • If all the griefs I am to have

    Would only come today,

    I am so happy I believe

    They'd laugh and run away.

    If all the joys I am to have

    Would only come today,

    They could not be so big as this

    That happens to me now.

  • If any sink, assure that this, now standing —

    Failed like Themselves — and conscious that it rose —

    Grew by the Fact, and not the Understanding

    How Weakness passed — or Force — arose —

    Tell that the Worst, is easy in a Moment —

    Dread, but the Whizzing, before the Ball —

    When the Ball enters, enters...

  • If ever the lid gets off my head

    And lets the brain away

    The fellow will go where he belonged —

    Without a hint from me,

    And the world — if the world be looking on —

    Will see how far from home

    It is possible for sense to live

    The soul there — all the time.

  • If He dissolve — then — there is nothing — more —

    Eclipse — at Midnight —

    It was dark — before —

    Sunset — at Easter —

    Blindness — on the Dawn —

    Faint Star of Bethlehem —

    Gone down!

    Would but some God — inform Him —

    Or it be too late!

    Say — that the pulse just...

  • If I could bribe them by a Rose

    I'd bring them every flower that grows

    From Amherst to Cashmere!

    I would not stop for night, or storm —

    Or frost, or death, or anyone —

    My business were so dear!

    If they would linger for a Bird

    My Tambourin were soonest heard

    Among the April...

  • If I should die,

    And you should live —

    And time should gurgle on —

    And morn should beam —

    And noon should burn —

    As it has usual done —

    If Birds should build as early

    And Bees as bustling go —

    One might depart at option

    From enterprise below!

    'Tis sweet to...

  • If I should n't be alive

    When the robins come,

    Give the one in red cravat

    A memorial crumb.

    If I could n't thank you,

    Being just asleep,

    You will know I'm trying

    With my granite lip !