• I sometimes drop it, for a Quick —

    The Thought to be alive —

    Anonymous Delight to know —

    And Madder — to conceive —

    Consoles a Woe so monstrous

    That did it tear all Day,

    Without an instant's Respite —

    'Twould look too far — to Die —

    Delirium - diverts the Wretch

  • I started Early — Took my Dog —

    And visited the Sea —

    The Mermaids in the Basement

    Came out to look at me —

    And Frigates — in the Upper Floor

    Extended Hempen Hands —

    Presuming Me to be a Mouse —

    Aground — upon the Sands —

    But no Man moved Me — till the Tide

  • I stepped from Plank to Plank

    A slow and cautious way

    The Stars about my Head I felt

    About my Feet the Sea.

    I knew not but the next

    Would be my final inch —

    This gave me that precarious Gait

    Some call Experience.

  • I stole them from a Bee —

    Because — Thee —

    Sweet plea —

    He pardoned me!

  • I sued the News — yet feared — the News

    That such a Realm could be —

    "The House not made with Hands" it was —

    Thrown open wide to me —

  • I tend my flowers for thee —

    Bright Absentee!

    My Fuchsia's Coral Seams

    Rip — while the Sower — dreams

    Geraniums — tint — and spot —

    Low Daisies — dot —

    My Cactus — splits her Beard

    To show her throat —

    Carnations — tip their spice —

    And Bees — pick up —...

  • I think I was enchanted

    When first a sombre Girl —

    I read that Foreign Lady —

    The Dark — felt beautiful —

    And whether it was noon at night —

    Or only Heaven — at Noon —

    For very Lunacy of Light

    I had not power to tell —

    The Bees — became as Butterflies —


  • I think that the Root of the Wind is Water —

    It would not sound so deep

    Were it a Firmamental Product —

    Airs no Oceans keep —

    Mediterranean intonations —

    To a Current's Ear —

    There is a maritime conviction

    In the Atmosphere —

  • I think to Live — may be a Bliss

    To those who dare to try —

    Beyond my limit to conceive —

    My lip — to testify —

    I think the Heart I former wore

    Could widen — till to me

    The Other, like the little Bank

    Appear — unto the Sea —

    I think the Days — could every one

  • I thought the Train would never come —

    How slow the whistle sang —

    I don't believe a peevish Bird

    So whimpered for the Spring —

    I taught my Heart a hundred times

    Precisely what to say —

    Provoking Lover, when you came

    Its Treatise flew away

    To hide my strategy too late
