• I know a place where Summer strives

    With such a practised Frost —

    She — each year — leads her Daisies back —

    Recording briefly — "Lost" —

    But when the South Wind stirs the Pools

    And struggles in the lanes —

    Her Heart misgives Her, for Her Vow —

    And she pours soft Refrains


  • I know lives, I could miss

    Without a Misery —

    Others — whose instant's wanting —

    Would be Eternity —

    The last — a scanty Number —

    'Twould scarcely fill a Two —

    The first — a Gnat's Horizon

    Could easily outgrow —

  • I know Suspense — it steps so terse

    And turns so weak away —

    Besides — Suspense is neighborly

    When I am riding by —

    Is always at the Window

    Though lately I descry

    And mention to my Horses

    The need is not of me —

  • I know that He exists.

    Somewhere — in Silence —

    He has hid his rare life

    From our gross eyes.

    'Tis an instant's play.

    'Tis a fond Ambush —

    Just to make Bliss

    Earn her own surprise!

    But — should the play

    Prove piercing earnest —

    Should the glee...

  • (The original text)

    * * *

    I laid me down upon a bank

    Where love lay sleeping

    I heard among the rushes dank

    Weeping Weeping

    5Then I went to the heath & the wild


  • I learned — at least — what Home could be —

    How ignorant I had been

    Of pretty ways of Covenant —

    How awkward at the Hymn

    Round our new Fireside — but for this —

    This pattern — of the Way —

    Whose Memory drowns me, like the Dip

    Of a Celestial Sea —

    What Mornings in our...

  • I like a look of Agony,

    Because I know it's true —

    Men do not sham Convulsion,

    Nor simulate, a Throe —

    The Eyes glaze once — and that is Death —

    Impossible to feign

    The Beads upon the Forehead

    By homely Anguish strung.

  • I live with Him — I see His face —

    I go no more away

    For Visitor — or Sundown —

    Death's single privacy

    The Only One — forestalling Mine —

    And that — by Right that He

    Presents a Claim invisible —

    No wedlock — granted Me —

    I live with Him — I hear His Voice —

  • I lived on Dread —

    To Those who know

    The Stimulus there is

    In Danger — Other impetus

    Is numb — and Vitalless —

    As 'twere a Spur — upon the Soul —

    A Fear will urge it where

    To go without the Sceptre's aid

    Were Challenging Despair.

  • I lost a World — the other day!

    Has Anybody found?

    You'll know it by the Row of Stars

    Around its forehead bound.

    A Rich man — might not notice it —

    Yet — to my frugal Eye,

    Of more Esteem than Ducats —

    Oh find it — Sir — for me!