• His Bill is clasped — his Eye forsook —

    His Feathers wilted low —

    The Claws that clung, like lifeless Gloves

    Indifferent hanging now —

    The Joy that in his happy Throat

    Was waiting to be poured

    Gored through and through with Death, to be

    Assassin of a Bird

    Resembles to my outraged...

  • His Heart was darker than the starless night

    For that there is a morn

    But in this black Receptacle

    Can be no Bode of Dawn

  • His little Hearse like Figure

    Unto itself a Dirge

    To a delusive Lilac

    The vanity divulge

    Of Industry and Morals

    And every righteous thing

    For the divine Perdition

    Of Idleness and Spring —

  • His Mind like Fabrics of the East

    Displayed to the despair

    Of everyone but here and there

    An humble Purchaser —

    For though his price was not of Gold —

    More arduous there is —

    That one should comprehend the worth

    Was all the price there was —

  • His mind of man, a secret makes

    I meet him with a start

    He carries a circumference

    In which I have no part —

    Or even if I deem I do

    He otherwise may know

    Impregnable to inquest

    However neighborly —

  • His oriental heresies

    Exhilarate the Bee,

    And filling all the Earth and Air

    With gay apostasy

    Fatigued at last, a Clover plain

    Allures his jaded eye

    That lowly Breast where Butterflies

    Have felt it meet to die —

  • 1








  • Holy Thursday[1]

    Is this a holy thing to see

    In a rich & fruitful land,

    Babes reduced to misery?

    Fed with cold & usurous hand?

    Is that trembling cry a song?

    Can it be a song of joy?

    And so...

  •         Maiden! in whose kindling eye,

            Burns the fire of prophecy,

            On whose brow its glories shine,

            Priestess at the hidden shrine;

            Tell me what fair visions rise,

            As the future greets thine eyes.

            Thither where thou still dost turn,


  • Hope is a subtle Glutton —

    He feeds upon the Fair —

    And yet — inspected closely

    What Abstinence is there —

    His is the Halcyon Table —

    That never seats but One —

    And whatsoever is consumed

    The same amount remain —