    * * *

    Great things are done when Men & Mountains meet

    This is not Done by jostling in the Street

  • Grief is a Mouse —

    And chooses Wainscot in the Breast

    For His Shy House —

    And baffles quest —

    Grief is a Thief — quick startled —

    Pricks His Ear — report to hear

    Of that Vast Dark —

    That swept His Being — back —

    Grief is a Juggler — boldest at the Play —


  • Had I not seen the Sun

    I could have borne the shade

    But Light a newer Wilderness

    My Wilderness has made —

  • Had I not This, or This, I said,

    Appealing to Myself,

    In moment of prosperity —

    Inadequate — were Life —

    "Thou hast not Me, nor Me" — it said,

    In Moment of Reverse —

    "And yet Thou art industrious —

    No need — hadst Thou — of us"?

    My need — was all I had — I said —...

  • Had I presumed to hope —

    The loss had been to Me

    A Value — for the Greatness' Sake —

    As Giants — gone away —

    Had I presumed to gain

    A Favor so remote —

    The failure but confirm the Grace

    In further Infinite —

    'Tis failure — not of Hope —

    But Confident...

  • Had we known the Ton she bore

    We had helped the terror

    But she straighter walked for Freight

    So be hers the error —

  • Hail, sovereign love, which first began

    The scheme to rescue fallen man!

    Hail, matchless, free, eternal grace,

    That gave my soul a Hiding Place!

    Against the God who built the sky,

    I fought with hands uplifted high,

    Despised the mention of His grace,

    Too proud to seek a Hiding Place....

  • Have any like Myself

    Investigating March,

    New Houses on the Hill descried —

    And possibly a Church —

    That were not, We are sure —

    As lately as the Snow —

    And are Today — if We exist —

    Though how may this be so?

    Have any like Myself

    Conjectured Who may be...

  • Have you got a brook in your little heart,

    Where bashful flowers blow,

    And blushing birds go down to drink,

    And shadows tremble so ?

    And nobody knows, so still it flows,

    That any brook is there ;

    And yet your little...