• Going to Heaven!

    I don't know when —

    Pray do not ask me how!

    Indeed I'm too astonished

    To think of answering you!

    Going to Heaven!

    How dim it sounds!

    And yet it will be done

    As sure as flocks go home at night

    Unto the Shepherd's arm!

    Perhaps you're...

  • Going to Him! Happy letter!

    Tell Him —

    Tell Him the page I didn't write —

    Tell Him — I only said the Syntax —

    And left the Verb and the pronoun out —

    Tell Him just how the fingers hurried —

    Then — how they waded — slow — slow —

    And then you wished you had eyes in your pages —


  • Good Morning — Midnight —

    I'm coming Home —

    Day — got tired of Me —

    How could I — of Him?

    Sunshine was a sweet place —

    I liked to stay —

    But Morn — didn't want me — now —

    So — Goodnight — Day!

    I can look — can't I —

    When the East is Red?


  • Good Night! Which put the Candle out?

    A jealous Zephyr — not a doubt —

    Ah, friend, you little knew

    How long at that celestial wick

    The Angels — labored diligent —

    Extinguished — now — for you!

    It might — have been the Light House spark —

    Some Sailor — rowing in the Dark —


  • Good night, because we must,

    How intricate the dust!

    I would go, to know!

    Oh incognito!

    Saucy, Saucy Seraph

    To elude me so!

    Father! they won't tell me,

    Won't you tell them to?

  • I WONDER by my troth, what thou and I

    Did, till we loved? were we not wean'd till then?

    But suck'd on country pleasures, childishly?

    Or snorted we in the Seven Sleepers' den?

    'Twas so; but this, all pleasures fancies be;

    If ever any beauty I did see,

    Which I desired, and got, 'twas but a dream of thee....

  • Rid of the world’s injustice, and his pain,

      He rests at last beneath God’s veil of blue:

      Taken from life when life and love were new

    The youngest of the martyrs here is lain,

    Fair as Sebastian, and as early slain.

      No cypress shades his grave, no funeral yew,

      But gentle violets weeping with the...

  • * * *

    Great Men & Fools do often me Inspire

    But the Greater Fool the Greater Liar

  • Great Streets of silence led away

    To Neighborhoods of Pause —

    Here was no Notice — no Dissent

    No Universe — no laws —

    By Clocks, 'twas Morning, and for Night

    The Bells at Distance called —

    But Epoch had no basis here

    For Period exhaled.