Turning from Shelley’s sculptured face aside,
And pacing thoughtfully the silent aisles
Of the gray church that overlooks the smiles
Of the glad Avon hastening its tide
To join the seaward-winding Stour, I spied
Close at my feet a slab among the tiles...

This is the month, and this the happy morn,
  Wherein the Son of heaven’s eternal king,
Of wedded maid and virgin mother born,
  Our great redemption from above did bring—
  For so the holy sages once did sing—
That He our deadly forfeit should release,...

Poet: John Milton

He might have reared a palace at a word,
Who sometimes had not where to lay His head.
Time was when He who nourished crowds with bread,
Would not one meal unto Himself afford.
He healed another’s scratch, His own side bled;
Side, hands and feet with cruel...

From “An Hymne of Heavenly Love”
WITH all thy hart, with all thy soule and mind,
Thou must him love, and his beheasts embrace;
All other loves, with which the world doth blind
Weake fancies, and stirre up affections base,
Thou must renounce and utterly...

Translated by Henry Francis Cary
Selections from “The Divine Comedy”
Paradise: Canto XIV.
  AND lo! forthwith there rose up round about
A lustre, over that already there;
Of equal clearness, like the brightening up
Of the horizon. As at evening hour...

            Eighteen hundred years agone

        Was that deed of darkness done --

        Was that sacred, thorn-crowned head

        To a shameful death betrayed,

        And Iscariot's traitor name



        The enthusiast brooding in his cell apart

           O'er the sad image of the Crucified,---

           The drooping head, closed lips and piercéd side,---

        A holy vision fills his raptured heart;

