• As by the shore, at break of day,
    A vanquished chief expiring lay,
    Upon the sands, with broken sword,
      He traced his farewell to the free;
    And there the last unfinished word
      He dying wrote, was “Liberty!”

    At night a sea-bird shrieked the knell
    Of him who thus for freedom fell:
    The words he wrote, ere evening came,

  • [Battle of Sempach, fourteenth century]

      “MAKE way for Liberty!”—he cried;
    Made way for Liberty, and died!
      In arms the Austrian phalanx stood,
    A living wall, a human wood!
    A wall, where every conscious stone
    Seemed to its kindred thousands grown;
    A rampart all assaults to bear,
    Till time to dust their frames should wear;...

  • From “The Pleasures of Hope,” Part I.
    O SACRED Truth! thy triumph ceased awhile,
    And Hope, thy sister, ceased with thee to smile,
    When leagued Oppression poured to Northern wars
    Her whiskered pandours and her fierce hussars,
    Waved her dread standard to the breeze of morn,
    Pealed her loud drum, and twanged her trumpet horn;

  • Anonymous translation from the French

    YE sons of freedom, wake to glory!
      Hark! hark! what myriads bid you rise!
    Your children, wives, and grandsires hoary,
      Behold their tears and hear their cries!
    Shall hateful tyrants, mischiefs breeding,
        With hireling hosts, a ruffian band,
        Affright and desolate the land,
    While peace...

  • [1821]
      AGAIN to the battle, Achaians!
      Our hearts bid the tyrants defiance;
    Our land,—the first garden of Liberty’s-tree,—
    Has been, and shall yet be, the land of the free;
      For the cross of our faith is replanted,
      The pale dying crescent is daunted,
    And we march that the footprints of Mahomet’s slaves
    May be washed out in...

  •  From the Danish by Sir Frank C. Lascelles
    From “Hakon Jarl”
      [Olaf Trygvesön from Ireland is trying to introduce Christianity, and reclaim his father’s kingdom, in Norway, and has invaded the realm of Earl Hakon, a formidable heathen usurper, who, after defeat in battle, unsuccessfully attempts to have King Olaf assassinated by Thorer Klake, one of his adherents....

  • Anonymous translation from the German
    HA! there comes he, with sweat, with blood of Romans,
    And dust of the fight all stained! Oh, never
              Saw I Hermann so lovely!
              Never such fire in his eyes!

    Come! I tremble for joy; hand me the Eagle
    And the red dripping sword! come, breathe, and rest thee;
              Rest thee here in...

  • [1800]
    on Linden, when the sun was low,
    All bloodless lay the untrodden snow,
    And dark as winter was the flow
    Of Iser, rolling rapidly.

    But Linden saw another sight
    When the drum beat, at dead of night,
    Commanding fires of death to light
    The darkness of her scenery.

    By torch and trumpet fast arrayed,

  • [April 2, 1801]
    OF Nelson and the north
      Sing the glorious day’s renown,
    When to battle fierce came forth
      All the might of Denmark’s crown,
    And her arms along the deep proudly shone;
      By each gun the lighted brand
      In a bold determined hand,
      And the prince of all the land
    Led them on.

    Like leviathans afloat...

  • [June 24, 1314]
    SCOTS, wha hae wi’ Wallace bled,
    Scots, wham Bruce has aften led;
    Welcome to your gory bed,
        Or to victorie.

    Now ’s the day, and now ’s the hour
    See the front o’ battle lour:
    See approach proud Edward’s power,—
        Chains and slaverie!

    Wha will be a traitor knave?
    Wha can fill a coward’s grave...