• My heart ’s in the Highlands, my heart is not here;
    My heart ’s in the Highlands a-chasing the deer;
    Chasing the wild deer, and following the roe.
    My heart ’s in the Highlands, wherever I go.
    Farewell to the Highlands, farewell to the North,
    The birthplace of valor, the country of worth;
    Wherever I wander, wherever I rove,
    The hills of...

  • March, march, Ettrick and Teviotdale!
      Why the de’il dinna ye march forward in order?
    March, march, Eskdale and Liddesdale!
      All the Blue Bonnets are over the Border!
              Many a banner spread
              Flutters above your head,
    Many a crest that is famous in story!—
              Mount and make ready, then,
              Sons of...

  • The Savage loves his native shore,
      Though rude the soil and chill the air;
    Then well may Erin’s sons adore
      Their isle which nature formed so fair,
    What flood reflects a shore so sweet
      As Shannon great or pastoral Bann?
    Or who a friend or foe can meet
      So generous as an Irishman?

    His hand is rash, his heart is warm,...

  • There came to the beach a poor exile of Erin,
      The dew on his thin robe was heavy and chill;
    For his country he sighed, when at twilight repairing
      To wander alone by the wind-beaten hill.
    But the day-star attracted his eye’s sad devotion,
    For it rose o’er his own native isle of the ocean,
    Where once, in the fire of his youthful emotion,...

  • Anonymous translation from the German

    WHAT is the German’s fatherland?
    Is it Prussia, or the Swabian’s land?
    Is it where the grape glows on the Rhine?
    Where sea-gulls skim the Baltic’s brine?
          Oh no! more grand
      Must be the German’s fatherland!

    What is the German’s fatherland?
    Bavaria, or the Styrian’s land?
    Is it...

  • Anonymous translation from the German

    GOD, who gave iron, purposed ne’er
        That man should be a slave:
    Therefore the sabre, sword, and spear
        In his right hand He gave.
    Therefore He gave him fiery mood,
        Fierce speech, and free-born breath,
    That he might fearlessly the feud
        Maintain through life and death.


  • The Muse, disgusted at an age and clime
      Barren of every glorious theme,
    In distant lands now waits a better time,
      Producing subjects worthy fame.

    In happy climes, where from the genial sun
      And virgin earth such scenes ensue,
    The force of art by nature seems outdone,
      And fancied beauties by the true:

    In happy climes,...

  • What ’s hallowed ground? Has earth a clod
    Its Maker meant not should be trod
    By man, the image of his God,
          Erect and free,
    Unscourged by Superstition’s rod
          To bow the knee?

    That ’s hallowed ground where, mourned and missed,
    The lips repose our love has kissed;—
    But where ’s their memory’s mansion? Is ’t...

  • From “The Timepiece”: “The Task,” Book II.

      O FOR a lodge in some vast wilderness,
    Some boundless contiguity of shade,
    Where rumor of oppression and deceit,
    Of unsuccessful or successful war,
    Might never reach me more! My ear is pained,
    My soul is sick, with every day’s report
    Of wrong and outrage with which earth is filled.

  • The Harp that once through Tara’s halls
      The soul of music shed,
    Now hangs as mute on Tara’s walls
      As if that soul were fled.
    So sleeps the pride of former days,
      So glory’s thrill is o’er,
    And hearts that once beat high for praise
      Now feel that pulse no more!

    No more to chiefs and ladies bright
      The harp of Tara...