• “with sacrifice, before the rising morn,
      Vows have I made by fruitless hope inspired;
    And from th’ infernal gods, ’mid shades forlorn
      Of night, my slaughtered lord have I required;
    Celestial pity I again implore;
    Restore him to my sight—great Jove, restore!”

    So speaking, and by fervent love endowed
      With faith, the suppliant...

  • John Anderson, my jo, John,
      When we were first acquent,
    Your locks were like the raven,
      Your bonnie brow was brent;
    But now your brow is beld, John,
      Your locks are like the snaw;
    But blessings on your frosty pow,
      John Anderson, my jo.

    John Anderson, my jo, John,
      We clamb the hill thegither;
    And monie a...

  • From “The Light of the Harem”
    ALAS! how light a cause may move
    Dissension between hearts that love!
    Hearts that the world in vain has tried,
    And sorrow but more closely tied;
    That stood the storm when waves were rough,
    Yet in a sunny hour fall off,
    Like ships that have gone down at sea,
    When heaven was all tranquillity!


  • Ae fond kiss, and then we sever;
    Ae fareweel, alas, forever!
    Deep in heart-wrung tears I ’ll pledge thee;
    Warring sighs and groans I ’ll wage thee.
    Who shall say that fortune grieves him,
    While the star of hope she leaves him?
    Me, nae cheerfu’ twinkle lights me;
    Dark despair around benights me.

    I ’ll ne’er blame my partial fancy...

  • O, My Luve ’s like a red, red rose
      That ’s newly sprung in June:
    O, my Luve ’s like the melodie
      That ’s sweetly played in tune.

    As fair art thou, my bonnie lass,
      So deep in luve am I:
    And I will luve thee still, my dear,
      Till a’ the seas gang dry:

    Till a’ the seas gang dry, my dear,
      And the rocks melt wi’ the...

  • Summoned from His Bride by the “Fiery Cross of Roderick Dhu”
    From “The Lady of the Lake”

    THE HEATH this night must be my bed,
    The bracken curtain for my head,
    My lullaby the warder’s tread,
      Far, far from love and thee, Mary;
    To-morrow eve, more stilly laid
    My couch may be my bloody plaid,
    My vesper song, thy wail, sweet maid!...

  • All in the Downs the fleet was moored,
      The streamers waving in the wind,
    When black-eyed Susan came aboard;
      “O, where shall I my true-love find?
    Tell me, ye jovial sailors, tell me true
    If my sweet William sails among the crew.”

    William, who high upon the yard
      Rocked with the billow to and fro,
    Soon as her well-known voice...

  • Farewell to Lochaber! and farewell, my Jean,
    Where heartsome with thee I hae mony day been;
    For Lochaber no more, Lochaber no more,
    We ’ll maybe return to Lochaber no more!
    These tears that I shed they are a’ for my dear,
    And no for the dangers attending on wear,
    Though borne on rough seas to a far bloody shore,
    Maybe to return to...

  • As slow our ship her foamy track
      Against the wind was cleaving,
    Her trembling pennant still looked back
      To that dear isle ’t was leaving.
    So loath we part from all we love,
      From all the links that bind us;
    So turn our hearts, as on we rove,
      To those we ’ve left behind us!

    When, round the bowl, of vanished years...

  • FAREWELL!—but whenever you welcome the hour
    That awakens the night-song of mirth in your bower,
    Then think of the friend that once welcomed it too,
    And forgot his own griefs, to be happy with you.
    His griefs may return—not a hope may remain
    Of the few that have brightened his pathway of pain—
    But he ne’er can forget the short vision that threw...