• I Knew by the smoke that so gracefully curled
      Above the green elms, that a cottage was near,
    And I said, “If there ’s peace to be found in the world,
      A heart that is humble might hope for it here!”

    It was noon, and on flowers that languished around
      In silence reposed the voluptuous bee;
    Every leaf was at rest, and I heard not a sound...

  • Inscribed to R. Aiken, Esq.
     “Let not ambition mock their useful toil,
      Their homely joys and destiny obscure;
    Nor grandeur hear, with a disdainful smile,
      The short but simple annals of the poor.”

      MY loved, my honored, much-respected friend,
        No mercenary bard his homage pays:
      With honest pride I scorn each...

  • From “The Traveller”
    REMOTE, unfriended, melancholy, slow,
    Or by the lazy Scheldt, or wandering Po,
    Or onward, where the rude Carinthian boor
    Against the houseless stranger shuts the door,
    Or where Campania’s plain forsaken lies,
    A weary waste expanding to the skies:
    Where’er I roam, whatever realms to see,
    My heart untravelled...

  • From “The Traveller”
                            TURN me to survey
    Where rougher climes a nobler race display,
    Where the bleak Swiss their stormy mansion tread,
    And force a churlish soil for scanty bread:
    No product here the barren hills afford
    But man and steel, the soldier and his sword;
    No vernal blooms their torpid rocks array,

  • Friend after friend departs:
      Who hath not lost a friend?
    There is no union here of hearts
      That finds not here an end;
    Were this frail world our only rest,
    Living or dying, none were blest.

    Beyond the flight of time,
      Beyond this vale of death,
    There surely is some blessèd clime
      Where life is not a breath,

  • There is not in this wide world a valley so sweet
    As that vale in whose bosom the bright waters meet;
    O, the last ray of feeling and life must depart
    Ere the bloom of that valley shall fade from my heart!

    Yet it was not that Nature had shed o’er the scene
    Her purest of crystal and brightest of green;
    ’T was not the soft magic of streamlet or...

  •   HE ’s gane, he ’s gane! he ’s frae us torn,
    The ae best fellow e’er was born!
    Thee, Matthew, Nature’s sel’ shall mourn
                    By wood and wild,
    Where, haply, pity strays forlorn,
                    Frae man exiled.

      Ye hills, near neebors o’ the starns,
    That proudly cock your cresting cairns!
    Ye cliffs, the haunts of...

  • And doth not a meeting like this make amends
      For all the long years I ’ve been wand’ring away—
    To see thus around me my youth’s early friends,
      As smiling and kind as in that happy day?
    Though haply o’er some of your brows, as o’er mine,
      The snow-fall of Time may be stealing—what then?
    Like Alps in the sunset, thus lighted by wine,...

  • “a Temple to Friendship,” cried Laura, enchanted,
    “I ’ll build in this garden; the thought is divine.”
    So the temple was built, and she now only wanted
    An image of Friendship, to place on the shrine.

    So she flew to the sculptor, who sat down before her
    An image, the fairest his art could invent;
    But so cold, and so dull, that the youthful...

  •         WREATHE the bowl
            With flowers of soul,
    The brightest wit can find us;
            We ’ll take a flight
            Towards heaven to-night,
    And leave dull earth behind us!
            Should Love amid
            The wreaths be hid
    That Joy, the enchanter, brings us,
            No danger fear
            While wine is...