• To you, whose temperate pulses flow
    With measured beat, serene and slow,
    The even tenor of whose way
    Is undisturbed by passion’s sway,
    This tale of wayward love may seem
    The record of a fevered dream.
    And yet, we two have that within
    To make us what our kind have been.
    A lure more strong, a wish more faint,
    Makes one a...

  • Her lips were so near
        That—what else could I do?
    You ’ll be angry, I fear,
        But her lips were so near—
    Well, I can’t make it clear,
        Or explain it to you,
    But—her lips were so near
        That—what else could I do?

  • When i was seventeen I heard
      From each censorious tongue,
    “I ’d not do that if I were you;
      You see you ’re rather young.”

    Now that I number forty years,
      I ’m quite as often told
    Of this or that I should n’t do
      Because I ’m quite too old.

    O carping world! If there ’s an age
      Where youth and manhood keep...

  • Put them in print?
    Make one more dint
    In the ages’ furrowed rock? No, no!
    Let his name and his verses go.
    These idle scraps, they would but wrong
    His memory, whom we honored long,
    And men would ask: “Is this the best—
    Is this the whole his life expressed?”
    Haply he had no care to tell
    To all the thoughts which flung their...

  • Thine old-world eyes—each one a violet
      Big as the baby rose that is thy mouth—
    Set me a-dreaming. Have our eyes not met
      In childhood—in a garden of the South?

    Thy lips are trembling with a song of France,
      My cousin, and thine eyes are dimly sweet;
    ’Wildered with reading in an old romance
      All afternoon upon the garden seat.

  • Mimi, do you remember—
      Don’t get behind your fan—
    That morning in September
      On the cliffs of Grand Manan,
    Where to the shock of Fundy
      The topmost harebells sway
    (Campanula rotundi-
      folia: cf. Gray)?

    On the pastures high and level,
      That overlook the sea,
    Where I wondered what the devil

  • The wilderness a secret keeps
      Upon whose guess I go:
    Eye hath not seen, ear hath not heard;
      And yet I know, I know,

    Some day the viewless latch will lift,
      The door of air swing wide
    To one lost chamber of the wood
      Where those shy mysteries hide,—

    One yet unfound, receding depth,
      From which the wood-thrush...

  • He sang one song and died—no more but that:
    A single song and carelessly complete.
    He would not bind and thresh his chance-grown wheat,
    Nor bring his wild fruit to the common vat,
    To store the acid rinsings, thin and flat,
    Squeezed from the press or trodden under feet.
    A few slow beads, blood-red and honey-sweet,
    Oozed from the grape,...

  • Within me are two souls that pity each
        The other for the ends they seek, yet smile
        Forgiveness, as two friends that love the while
    The folly against which each feigns to preach.

    And while one barters in the market-place,
        Or drains the cup before the tavern fire,
        The other, winged with a divine desire,
    Searches the...

  • My window is the open sky,
    The flower in farthest wood is mine;
    I am the heir to all gone by,
    The eldest son of all the line.
    And when the robbers Time and Death
    Athwart my path conspiring stand,
    I cheat them with a clod, a breath,
    And pass the sword from hand to hand!