• Glooms of the live-oaks, beautiful-braided and woven
    With intricate shades of the vines that myriad-cloven
    Clamber the forks of the multiform boughs,—
            Emerald twilights,—
            Virginal shy lights,
    Wrought of the leaves to allure to the whisper of vows,
    When lovers pace timidly down through the green colonnades
    Of the dim sweet...

  • Superb and sole, upon a plumëd spray
    That o’er the general leafage boldly grew,
    He summ’d the woods in song; or typic drew
    The watch of hungry hawks, the lone dismay
    Of languid doves when long their lovers stray,
    And all birds’ passion-plays that sprinkle dew
    At morn in brake or bosky avenue.
    Whate’er birds did or dreamed, this bird could...

  • Swift, through some trap mine eyes have never found,
    Dim-panelled in the painted scene of Sleep,
    Thou, giant Harlequin of Dreams, dost leap
    Upon my spirit’s stage. Then Sight and Sound,
    Then Space and Time, then Language, Mete and Bound,
    And all familiar Forms that firmly keep
    Man’s reason in the road, change faces, peep
    Betwixt the legs...

  • Into the woods my Master went,
    Clean forspent, forspent.
    Into the woods my Master came,
    Forspent with love and shame.
    But the olives they were not blind to Him;
    The little gray leaves were kind to Him
    The thorn-tree had a mind to Him
    When into the woods He came.

    Out of the woods my Master went,
    And He was well content....

  • In my sleep I was fain of their fellowship, fain
      Of the live-oak, the marsh, and the main.
    The little green leaves would not let me alone in my sleep;
    Up-breathed from the marshes, a message of range and of sweep,
    Interwoven with waftures of wild sea-liberties, drifting,
        Came through the lapped leaves sifting, sifting,
            Came to the...

  • One day there entered at my chamber door
    A presence whose light footfall on the floor
    No token gave; and, ere I could withstand,
    Within her clasp she drew my trembling hand.

    “Intrusive guest,” I cried, “my palm I lend
    But to the gracious pressure of a friend!
    Why comest thou, unbidden and in gloom,
    Trailing thy cold gray garments in my...

  • Adieu, kind Life, though thou hast often been
    Lavish of quip, and scant of courtesy,
    Beneath thy roughness I have found in thee
    A host who doth my parting favor win.
    Friend, teacher, sage, and sometimes harlequin,
    Thine every mood hath held some good for me,—
    Nor ever friendlier seemed thy company
    Than on this night when I must quit thine...

  • O white, white, light moon, that sailest in the sky,
    Look down upon the whirling world, for thou art up so high,
    And tell me where my Donald is who sailed across the sea,
    And make a path of silver light to lead him back to me.

    O white, white, bright moon, thy cheek is coldly fair;
    A little cloud beside thee seems thy wildly floating hair;

  • Now comes the graybeard of the north:
      The forests bare their rugged breasts
    To every wind that wanders forth,
      And, in their arms, the lonely nests
    That housed the birdlings months ago
    Are egged with flakes of drifted snow.

    No more the robin pipes his lay
      To greet the flushed advance of morn;
    He sings in valleys far away;...

  • White wings of commerce sailing far,
      Hot steam that drives the weltering wheel,
    Tamed lightning speeding on the wire,
      Iron postman on the way of steel,—
    These, circling all the world, have told
      The loss that makes us desolate;
    For we give back to dust this day
      The God-sent man who saved the state.

    When black the sky and...