• Since I lost you, my darling, the sky has come near,
    And I am of it, the small sharp stars are quite near,
    The white moon going among them like a white bird among snow-berries,
    And the sound of her gently rustling in heaven like a bird I hear.

    And I am willing to come to you now, my dear,
    As a pigeon lets itself off from a cathedral dome
    To be lost in the haze...

  • You never understood, O unknown one,
    Why it was I repaid
    Your devoted friendship and delicate ministrations
    First with diminished thanks,
    Afterward by gradually withdrawing my presence from you,
    So that I might not be compelled to thank you,
    And then with silence which followed upon
    Our final Separation.
    You had cured my diseased soul. But to cure it...

  • You were glad to-night: and now you’ve gone away.
    Flushed in the dark, you put your dreams to bed;
    But as you fall asleep I hear you say
    Those tired sweet drowsy words we left unsaid.

    Sleep well: for I can follow you, to bless
    And lull your distant beauty where you roam;
    And with wild songs of hoarded loveliness
    Recall you to these arms that were your home...

  • How could I love you more?
    I would give up
    Even that beauty I have loved too well
    That I might love you better.
    Alas, how poor the gifts that lovers give—
    I can but give you of my flesh and strength,
    I can but give you these few passing days
    And passionate words that, since our speech began,
    All lovers whisper in all ladies’ ears.

    I try to think...

  • Under the harvest moon,
    When the soft silver
    Drips shimmering
    Over garden nights,
    Death, the gray mocker,
    Comes and whispers to you
    As a beautiful friend
    Who remembers.

    Under the summer roses
    When the flagrant crimson
    Lurks in the dusk
    Of the wild red leaves,
    Love, with little hands,
    Comes and touches you
    With a thousand...

  • When a friend calls to me from the road
    And slows his horse to a meaning walk,
    I don’t stand still and look around
    On all the hills I haven’t hoed,
    And shout from where I am, What is it?
    No, not as there is a time to talk.
    I thrust my hoe in the mellow ground,
    Blade-end up and five feet tall,
    And plod: I go up to the stone wall
    For a friendly visit...

  • O, my friend,
    What fitting word can I say?
    You, my chum,
    My companion of infinite talks,
    My inspiration,
    My guide,
    Through whom I saw myself at best;
    You, the light of this western country.
    You, a great richness.
    A glory,
    A charm,
    Product and treasure of these States.

    Bill, I knew you had gone.
    I was walking down into town this...

  • Adieu, kind Life, though thou hast often been
    Lavish of quip, and scant of courtesy,
    Beneath thy roughness I have found in thee
    A host who doth my parting favor win.
    Friend, teacher, sage, and sometimes harlequin,
    Thine every mood hath held some good for me,—
    Nor even friendlier seemed thy company
    Than on this night when I must quit thine inn.
    I love...

  • An old silver church in a forest
    Is my love for you.
    The trees around it
    Are words that I have stolen from your heart.
    An old silver bell, the last smile you gave,
    Hangs at the top of my church.
    It rings only when you come through the forest
    And stand beside it.
    And then, it has no need for ringing,
    For your voice takes its place.

  • Tell me,
    Was Venus more beautiful
    Than you are,
    When she topped
    The crinkled waves,
    Drifting shoreward
    On her plaited shell?
    Was Botticelli’s vision
    Fairer than mine;
    And were the painted rosebuds
    He tossed his lady
    Of better worth
    Than the words I blow about you
    To cover your too great loveliness
    As with a gauze