• The twentieth year is well-nigh past,
    Since first our sky was overcast;
    Ah, would that this might be the last!
    My Mary!
    Thy spirits have a fainter flow,
    I see thee daily weaker grow--
    'Twas my distress that brought thee low,
    My Mary!
    Thy needles, once a shining store,
    For my sake restless heretofore...

  • Ah, what avails the sceptred race!
    Ah, what the form divine!
    What every virtue, every grace!
    Rose Aylmer, all were thine.

    Rose Aylmer, whom these wakeful eyes
    May weep, but never see,
    A night of memories and sighs
    I consecrate to thee.

  • Proud word you never spoke, but you will speak
    Four not exempt from pride some future day.
    Resting on one white hand a warm wet cheek,
    Over my open volume you will say,
    ‘This man loved me‘—then rise and trip away.

  • O my Luve's like a red, red rose
    That's newly sprung in June:
    O my Luve's like the melodie
    That's sweetly play'd in tune!

    As fair thou art, my bonnie lass,
    So deep in love am I:
    And I will love thee still, my dear,
    Till a' the seas gang dry:

    Till a' the seas gang dry, my dear,
    And the rocks melt with the sun;
    I will luve thee still...

  • And in Life's noisiest hour,
    There whispers still the ceaseless Love of Thee,
    The heart's Self-solace and soliloquy.

    You mould my Hopes, you fashion me within;
    And to the leading Love-throb in the Heart
    Thro' all my Being, thro' my pulse's beat;
    You lie in all my many Thoughts, like Light,
    Like the fair light of Dawn, or summer Eve...

  • Never seek to tell thy love,
    Love that never told can be;
    For the gentle wind doth move
    Silently, invisibly.

    I told my love, I told my love,
    I told her all my heart,
    Trembling, cold, in ghastly fears,
    Ah! she did depart!

    Soon after she was gone from me
    A traveller came by,

  • Sweet stream that winds through yonder glade,
    Apt emblem of a virtuous maid!
    Silent and chaste she steals along,
    Far from the world's gay busy throng:
    With gentle yet prevailing force,
    Intent upon her destined course;
    Graceful and useful all she does,
    Blessing and blest where'er she goes;
    Pure-bosom'd as that watery glass,
    And Heaven...

  • OH! young Lochinvar is come out of the west,
    Through all the wide Border his steed was the best;
    And save his good broadsword he weapons had none.
    He rode all unarmed and he rode all alone.
    So faithful in love and so dauntless in war,
    There never was knight like the young Lochinvar.
    He stayed not for brake and he stopped not for stone,
    He swam the Eske...

  • Believe me, if all those endearing young charms
    Which I gaze on so fondly today
    Were to change by tomorrow and fleet in my arms
    Like fairy gifts fading away,
    Thou wouldst still be adored as this moment thou art
    Let thy loveliness fade as it will
    And around the dear ruin each wish of my heart
    Would entwine itself verdantly still.

    It is...

  • At the mid hour of night, when stars are weeping, I fly
    To the lone vale we loved, when life shone warm in thine eye;
    And I think oft, if spirits can steal from the regions of air,
    To revisit past scenes of delight, thou wilt come to me there,
    And tell me our love is remember'd, even in the sky.

    Then I sing the wild song 'twas once such pleasure to hear...