•   YOU 1 see this pebble-stone? It ’s a thing I bought
    Of a bit of a chit of a boy i’ the mid o’ the day—
    I like to dock the smaller parts-o’-speech,
    As we curtail the already cur-tailed cur
    (You catch the paronomasia, play o’ words?)—
    Did, rather, i’ the pre-Landseerian days.
    Well, to my muttons. I purchased the concern,
    And clapt it i’...

  • The AULD 1 wife sat at her ivied door,
      (Butter and eggs and a pound of cheese)
    A thing she had frequently done before;
      And her spectacles lay on her aproned knees.

    The piper he piped on the hill-top high,
      (Butter and eggs and a pound of cheese)
    Till the cow said “I die” and the goose asked “Why;”
      And the dog said nothing but...

  • IN 1 moss-prankt dells which the sunbeams flatter
      (And heaven it knoweth what that may mean;
    Meaning, however, is no great matter)
      Where woods are a-tremble, with rifts atween;

    Through God’s own heather we wonned together,
      I and my Willie (O love my love):
    I need hardly remark it was glorious weather,
      And flitterbats waved alow...

  • From the depth of the dreamy decline of the dawn through a notable nimbus of nebulous noonshine,
    Pallid and pink as the palm of the flag-flower that flickers with fear of the flies as they float,
    Are they looks of our lovers that lustrously lean from a marvel of mystic miraculous moonshine,
    These that we feel in the blood of our blushes that thicken and threaten with...

  •   ON, on, my brown Arab, away, away!
    Thou hast trotted o’er many a mile to-day,
    And I trow right meagre hath been thy fare
    Since they roused thee at dawn from thy straw-piled lair,
    To tread with those echoless, unshod feet
    Yon weltering flats in the noontide heat,
    Where no palm-tree proffers a kindly shade,
    And the eye never rests on a...

  • What a moment, what a doubt!
    All my nose is inside out,—
    All my thrilling, tickling caustic,
    Pyramid rhinocerostic,
      Wants to sneeze and cannot do it!
    How it yearns me, thrills me, stings me,
    How with rapturous torment wrings me!
      Now says, “Sneeze, you fool,—get through it.”
    Shee—shee—oh! ’t is most del-ishi—

  • Knows he that never took a pinch,
    Nosey, the pleasure thence which flows?
    Knows he the titillating joys
            Which my nose knows?
    O nose, I am as proud of thee
    As any mountain of its snows;
    I gaze on thee, and feel that pride
            A Roman knows!

  • To R. K.
    WILL there never come a season
    Which shall rid us from the curse
    Of a prose which knows no reason
    And an unmelodious verse:
    When the world shall cease to wonder
    At the genius of an ass,
    And a boy’s eccentric blunder
    Shall not bring success to pass:

    When mankind shall be delivered
    From the clash of...

  • The Garden beds I wandered by
      One bright and cheerful morn,
    When I found a new-fledged butterfly,
      A-sitting on a thorn,
    A black and crimson butterfly,
      All doleful and forlorn.

    I thought that life could have no sting,
      To infant butterflies,
    So I gazed on this unhappy thing
      With wonder and surprise,

  • Forever! ’t is a single word!
      Our rude forefathers deemed it two;
    Can you imagine so absurd
              A view?

    Forever! What abysms of woe
      The word reveals, what frenzy, what
    Despair! For ever (printed so)
              Did not.

    It looks, ah me! how trite and tame;
      It fails to sadden or appall
    Or solace—it is...