• OF 1 all the ships upon the blue,
    No ship contained a better crew
    Than that of worthy Captain Reece,
    Commanding of The Mantelpiece.

    He was adored by all his men,
    For worthy Captain Reece, R. N.,
    Did all that lay within him to
    Promote the comfort of his crew.

    If ever they were dull or sad,
    Their captain danced to them...

  • From “The Bab Ballads”
    ’T WAS on the shores that round our coast
        From Deal to Ramsgate span,
    That I found alone, on a piece of stone,
        An elderly naval man.

    His hair was weedy, his beard was long,
        And weedy and long was he;
    And I heard this wight on the shore recite,
        In a singular minor key:—

    “O, I am a...

  • How hard, when those who do not wish
      To lend, thus lose, their books,
    Are snared by anglers—folks that fish
      With literary hooks—
    Who call and take some favorite tome,
      But never read it through;
    They thus complete their set at home
      By making one at you.

    I, of my “Spenser” quite bereft,
      Last winter sore was...

  • By a Miserable Wretch
    ROLL on, thou ball, roll on!
    Through pathless realms of space
            Roll on!
    What though I ’m in a sorry case?
    What though I cannot meet my bills?
    What though I suffer toothache’s ills?
    What though I swallow countless pills?
        Never you mind!
            Roll on!

    Roll on, thou ball, roll on!...

  • Thou shalt have one God only: who
    Would be at the expense of two?
    No graven images may be
    Worshipped, save in the currency.
    Swear not at all; since for thy curse
    Thine enemy is none the worse.
    At church on Sunday to attend
    Will serve to keep the world thy friend:
    Honor thy parents; that is, all
    From whom advancement may...

  • I Haf von funny leedle poy,
      Vot gomes schust to mine knee;
    Der queerest chap, der createst rogue,
      As efer you dit see.
    He runs und schumps und schmashes dings
      In all barts off der house;
    But vot off dot? he vas mine son,
      Mine leedle Yawcob Strauss.

    He get der measles und der mumbs,
      Und efferyding dot ’s oudt;...

  • Der boet may sing off “Der Oldt Oaken Bookit,”
      Und in schveetest langvitch its virtues may tell;
    Und how, ven a poy, he mit eggsdasy dook it,
      Vhen dripping mit coolness it rose vrom der vell.
    I don’d take some schtock in dot manner off trinking!
      It vas too mooch like horses und cattle, I dink.
    Dhere vas more sadisfactions, in my vay of...

  • The Jackdaw sat on the Cardinal’s chair!
    Bishop and abbot and prior were there;
            Many a monk, and many a friar,
            Many a knight, and many a squire,
    With a great many more of lesser degree,—
    In sooth, a goodly company;
    And they served the Lord Primate on bended knee.
            Never, I ween,
            Was a prouder seen,...

  • Arrayed in snow-white pants and vest,
      And other rainment fair to view,
      I stood before my sweetheart Sue—
    The charming creature I love best.
    “Tell me and does my costume suit?”
      I asked that apple of my eye—
      And then the charmer made reply,
    “Oh, yes, you do look awful cute!”
    Although I frequently had heard

  • Pap’s got his patent right, and rich as all creation;
      But where ’s the peace and comfort that we all had before?
    Le’s go a-visitin’ back to Griggsby’s Station—
      Back where we ust to be so happy and so pore!

    The likes of us a-livin’ here! It ’s just a mortal pity
      To see us in this great big house, with cyarpets on the stairs,
    And the pump...