William Schwenck Gilbert

  • By a Miserable Wretch
    ROLL on, thou ball, roll on!
    Through pathless realms of space
            Roll on!
    What though I ’m in a sorry case?
    What though I cannot meet my bills?
    What though I suffer toothache’s ills?
    What though I swallow countless...

  • From “The Bab Ballads”
    ’T WAS on the shores that round our coast
        From Deal to Ramsgate span,
    That I found alone, on a piece of stone,
        An elderly naval man.

    His hair was weedy, his beard was long,
        And weedy and long was he;

  • OF 1 all the ships upon the blue,
    No ship contained a better crew
    Than that of worthy Captain Reece,
    Commanding of The Mantelpiece.

    He was adored by all his men,
    For worthy Captain Reece, R. N.,
    Did all that lay within him to
    Promote the...