• Thick lay the dust, uncomfortably white,
    In glaring mimicry of Arab sand.
    The woods and mountains slept in hazy light;
    The meadows looked athirst and tawny tanned;
    The little rills had left their channels bare,
    With scarce a pool to witness what they were;
    And the shrunk river gleamed ’mid oozy stones,
    That stared like any famished giant’...

  • How the earth burns! Each pebble under foot
    Is as a living thing with power to wound.
    The white sand quivers, and the footfall mute
    Of the slow camels strikes but gives no sound,
    As though they walked on flame, not solid ground!
    ’T is noon, and the beasts’ shadows even have fled
    Back to their feet, and there is fire around
    And fire...

  • Not a sound disturbs the air,
    There is quiet everywhere;
    Over plains and over woods
    What a mighty stillness broods!
    All the birds and insects keep
    Where the coolest shadows sleep;
    Even the busy ants are found
    Resting in their pebbled mound;
    Even the locust clingeth now
    Silent to the barky bough:
    Over hills and over...

  • From “Queen Mab”
    IF solitude hath ever led thy steps
    To the wild ocean’s echoing shore,
      And thou hast lingered there
      Until the sun’s broad orb
    Seemed resting on the burnished wave,
      Thou must have marked the lines
    Of purple gold that motionless
        Hung o’er the sinking sphere:
      Thou must have marked the billowy...

  • From upland slopes I see the cows file by,
      Lowing, great-chested, down the homeward trail,
      By dusking fields and meadows shining pale
    With moon-tipped dandelions; flickering high,
    A peevish night-hawk in the western sky
      Beats up into the lucent solitudes,
      Or drops with griding wing; the stilly woods
    Grow dark and deep, and gloom...

  • Spirit that breathest through my lattice: thou
      That cool’st the twilight of the sultry day!
    Gratefully flows thy freshness round my brow;
      Thou hast been out upon the deep at play,
    Riding all day the wild blue waves till now,
      Roughening their crests, and scattering high their spray,
    And swelling the white sail. I welcome thee
    To the...

  • From “Evangeline”
    BEAUTIFUL was the night. Behind the black wall of the forest,
    Tipping its summit with silver, arose the moon. On the river
    Fell here and there through the branches a tremulous gleam of the moonlight,
    Like the sweet thoughts of love on a darkened and devious spirit.
    Nearer and round about her, the manifold flowers of the garden

  • Swiftly walk over the western wave,
            Spirit of Night!
    Out of the misty eastern cave,
    Where, all the long and lone daylight,
    Thou wovest dreams of joy and fear
    Which make thee terrible and dear,—
            Swift be thy flight!

    Wrap thy form in a mantle gray,
    Blind with thine hair the eyes of...

  • From “Queen Mab”
    HOW beautiful this night! the balmiest sigh
    Which vernal zephyrs breathe in evening’s ear
    Were discord to the speaking quietude
    That wraps this moveless scene. Heaven’s ebon vault,
    Studded with stars unutterably bright,
    Through which the moon’s unclouded grandeur rolls,
    Seems like a canopy which love has spread

  • [Greek]
    I Heard the trailing garments of the Night
      Sweep through her marble halls!
    I saw her sable skirts all fringed with light
      From the celestial walls!

    I felt her presence, by its spell of might,
      Stoop o’er me from above;
    The calm, majestic presence of the Night,
      As of the one I love.

    I heard the sounds of...