• They seemed to those who saw them meet
    The worldly friends of every day,
    Her smile was undisturbed and sweet,
    His courtesy was free and gay.

    But yet if one the other’s name
    In some unguarded moment heard,
    The heart you thought so calm and tame,
    Would struggle like a captured bird:

    And letters of mere formal phrase

  • From “The House of Life”
    WHEN do I see thee most, belovèd one?
    When in the light the spirits of mine eyes
    Before thy face, their altar, solemnize
    The worship of that Love through thee made known?
    Or when, in the dusk hours (we two alone),
    Close-kissed, and eloquent of still replies
    Thy twilight-hidden glimmering visage lies,
    And my...

  • Kissing her hair, I sat against her feet:
    Wove and unwove it,—wound, and found it sweet:
    Made fast therewith her hands, drew down her eyes,
    Deep as deep flowers, and dreamy like dim skies;
    With her own tresses bound, and found her fair,—
          Kissing her hair.

    Sleep were no sweeter than her face to me,—
    Sleep of cold sea-bloom under...

  • Serenade
    I Arise from dreams of thee
      In the first sweet sleep of night,
    When the winds are breathing low,
      And the stars are shining bright.
    I arise from dreams of thee,
      And a spirit in my feet
    Has led me—who knows how?—
      To thy chamber-window, sweet!

    The wandering airs they faint
      On the dark, the silent...

  • From “The Spanish Student”
    STARS of the summer night!
      Far in yon azure deeps,
    Hide, hide your golden light!
      She sleeps!
    My lady sleeps!

    Moon of the summer night!
      Far down yon western steeps,
    Sink, sink in silver light!
      She sleeps!
    My lady sleeps!

    Wind of...

  • Out of the golden remote wild west where the sea without shore is,
      Full of the sunset, and sad, if at all, with the fulness of joy,
    As a wind sets in with the autumn that blows from the region of stories,
      Blows with a perfume of songs and of memories beloved from a boy,
    Blows from the capes of the past oversea to the bays of the present,
      Filled as...

  • Turn, turn, for my cheeks they burn,
    Turn by the dale, my Harry!
    Fill pail, fill pail,
    He has turned by the dale,
    And there by the stile waits Harry.
    Fill, fill,
    Fill pail, fill,
    For there by the stile waits Harry!
    The world may go round, the world may stand still,
    But I can milk and marry,
    Fill pail,
    I can...

  • I ’s boun’ to see my gal to-night—
      Oh, lone de way, my dearie!
    De moon ain’t out, de stars ain’t bright—
      Oh, lone de way, my dearie!
    Dis hoss o’ mine is pow’ful slow,
    But when I does git to yo’ do’
    Yo’ kiss ’ll pay me back, an’ mo’,
      Dough lone de way, my dearie.

    De night is skeery-lak an’ still—
      Oh, lone de way,...

  • Nae star was glintin’ out aboon,
    The cluds were dark and hid the moon;
    The whistling gale was in my teeth,
    And round me was the deep snaw wreath;
    But on I went the dreary mile,
    And sung right cantie a’ the while
    I gae my plaid a closer fauld;
    My hand was warm, my heart was bauld,
    I didna heed the storm and cauld,

  • Saint Agnes’ EVE,—ah, bitter chill it was!
    The owl, for all his feathers, was a-cold;
    The hare limped trembling through the frozen grass,
    And silent was the flock in woolly fold:
    Numb were the beadsman’s fingers while he told
    His rosary, and while his frosted breath,
    Like pious incense from a censer old,
    Seemed taking flight for heaven...