From “Irish Melodies”
’T IS the last rose of summer,
  Left blooming alone;
All her lovely companions
  Are faded and gone;
No flower of her kindred,
  No rosebud, is nigh
To reflect back her blushes,
  Or give sigh for sigh!

Poet: Thomas Moore

Oft in the stilly night,
  Ere slumber’s chain has bound me,
Fond Memory brings the light
  Of other days around me:
    The smiles, the tears,
    Of boyhood’s years,
  The words of love then spoken;
    The eyes that shone,

Poet: Thomas Moore

Those evening bells! those evening bells!
How many a tale their music tells
Of youth, and home, and that sweet time
When last I heard their soothing chime!

Those joyous hours are passed away;
And many a heart that then was gay
Within the tomb now...

Poet: Thomas Moore

From “The Light of the Harem”
WHO has not heard of the Vale of Cashmere,
  With its roses the brightest that earth ever gave,
Its temples, and grottoes, and fountains as clear
  As the love-lighted eyes that hang over their wave?

O, to see it at sunset,—...

Poet: Thomas Moore

The Harp that once through Tara’s halls
  The soul of music shed,
Now hangs as mute on Tara’s walls
  As if that soul were fled.
So sleeps the pride of former days,
  So glory’s thrill is o’er,
And hearts that once beat high for praise

Poet: Thomas Moore

As by the shore, at break of day,
A vanquished chief expiring lay,
Upon the sands, with broken sword,
  He traced his farewell to the free;
And there the last unfinished word
  He dying wrote, was “Liberty!”

At night a sea-bird shrieked the knell...

Poet: Thomas Moore

From “The Fire-Worshippers”
“HOW sweetly,” said the trembling maid,
Of her own gentle voice afraid,
So long had they in silence stood,
Looking upon that moonlight flood,—
“How sweetly does the moonbeam smile
To-night upon yon leafy isle!

Poet: Thomas Moore

Robert Emmet
O, BREATHE not his name! let it sleep in the shade,
Where cold and unhonored his relics are laid;
Sad, silent, and dark be the tears that we shed,
As the night-dew that falls on the grave o’er his head.

But the night-dew that falls, though in...

Poet: Thomas Moore

Mr. Orator PUFF had two tones in his voice,
  The one squeaking thus, and the other down so;
In each sentence he uttered he gave you your choice,
  For one half was B alt, and the rest G below.
    O! O! Orator Puff,
    One voice for an orator ’s surely...

Poet: Thomas Moore

  GOOD reader, if you e’er have seen,
    When Phœbus hastens to his pillow,
    The mermaids with their tresses green
  Dancing upon the western billow;
  If you have seen at twilight dim,
    When the lone spirit’s vesper hymn
    Floats wild...

Poet: Thomas Moore