
Steure muthiger Segler! Es mag der Witz dich verhöhnen,
     Und der Schiffer am Steur senken die lässige Hand.
Immer, immer nach West! Dort muß die Küste sich zeigen,
     Liegt sie doch deutlich und liegt schimmernd vor deinem Verstand.
5 Traue...

[44] COLUMBUS (12. Oktober 1492)[1]

Nicht mehr die Salzluft, nicht die öden Meere,
Drauf Winde stürmen hin mit...

Poet: Georg Heym

St. stephen’s cloistered hall was proud
  In learning’s pomp that day,
For there a robed and stately crowd
  Pressed on in long array.
A mariner with simple chart
  Confronts that conclave high,
While strong ambition stirs his heart,

Behind him lay the gray Azores,
  Behind the Gates of Hercules;
Before him not the ghost of shores,
  Before him only shoreless seas.
The good mate said: “Now must we pray,
  For lo! the very stars are gone.
Brave Admiral, speak, what shall I say...

Was this his face, and these the finding eyes
That plucked a new world from the rolling seas?
Who, serving Christ, whom most he sought to please,
Willed his one thought until he saw arise
Man’s other home and earthly paradise—
His early vision, when with...