Edith, the silent stars are coldly gleaming,
  The night wind moans, the leafless trees are still.
Edith, there is a life beyond this seeming,
  So sleeps the ice-clad lake beneath thy hill.

So silent beats the pulse of thy pure heart,
  So shines the...

Hymettus’ bees are out on filmy wing,
  Dim Phosphor slowly fades adown the west,
And Earth awakes. Shine on me, O my king!
  For I with dew am laden and oppressed.

Long through the misty hours of morning gray
  The flowers have watched to hail thee from...

I mid the hills was born,
  Where the skilled bowmen
Send with unerring shaft
  Death to the foemen.
But I love to steer my bark,—
  To fear a stranger,—
Over the Maelstrom’s edge,
  Daring the danger;
And where the mariner...

Breathe, trumpets, breathe
  Slow notes of saddest wailing,—
Sadly responsive peal, ye muffled drums;
Comrades, with downcast eyes
    And banners trailing,
    Attend him home,—
The youthful warrior comes.

Upon his shield,

Poet: George Lunt

New england’s dead! New England’s dead!
    On every hill they lie;
On every field of strife, made red
    By bloody victory.
Each valley, where the battle poured
    Its red and awful tide,
Beheld the brave New England sword

The quarry whence thy form majestic sprung
    Has peopled earth with grace,
Heroes and gods that elder bards have sung,
    A bright and peerless race;
But from its sleeping veins ne’er rose before
    A shape of loftier name
Than his, who Glory’s...

It is the same infrequent star,—
  The all-mysterious light,
That like a watcher, gazing on
  The changes of the night,
Toward the hill of Bethlehem took
  Its solitary flight.

It is the same infrequent star;
  Its sameness startleth me,...

I cannot look above and see
  Yon high-piled, pillowy mass
Of evening clouds, so swimmingly
  In gold and purple pass,
And think not, Lord, how thou wast seen
  On Israel’s desert way,
Before them, in thy shadowy screen,
  Pavilioned all...

Science long watched the realms of space,
A planet’s devious path to trace:
Convinced of heaven’s harmonious law,
“A World beyond” Leverrier saw.

Thus when he views earth’s sins and woes,
With a like faith the Christian knows
There is a world...

It is not death to die,
  To leave this weary road,
And, midst the brotherhood on high,
  To be at home with God.

It is not death to close
  The eye long dimmed by tears,
And wake in glorious repose,
  To spend eternal years.
