William Ellery Channing

  • Our boat to the waves go free,
      By the bending tide, where the curled wave breaks,
      Like the track of the wind on the white snowflakes:
    Away, away! ’T is a path o’er the sea.

    Blasts may rave,—spread the sail,
      For our spirits can wrest the power from...

  • No abbey’s gloom, nor dark cathedral stoops,
      No winding torches paint the midnight air;
    Here the green pines delight, the aspen droops
      Along the modest pathways, and those fair
    Pale asters of the season spread their plumes
      Around this field, fit...

  • Edith, the silent stars are coldly gleaming,
      The night wind moans, the leafless trees are still.
    Edith, there is a life beyond this seeming,
      So sleeps the ice-clad lake beneath thy hill.

    So silent beats the pulse of thy pure heart,
      So shines the...

  • The swallow is flying over,
    But he will not come to me;
    He flits, my daring rover,
    From land to land, from sea to sea;
    Where hot Bermuda’s reef
    Its barrier lifts to fortify the shore,
    Above the surf’s wild roar
    He darts as swiftly o’er,—...

  • On your bare rocks, O barren moors,
    On your bare rocks I love to lie!—
    They stand like crags upon the shores,
    Or clouds upon a placid sky.

    Across those spaces desolate
    The fox pursues his lonely way,
    Those solitudes can fairly sate

  • My highway is unfeatured air,
    My consorts are the sleepless Stars,
    And men my giant arms upbear,—
    My arms unstained and free from scars.

    I rest forever on my way,
    Rolling around the happy Sun;
    My children love the sunny day,
    But noon and...

  • Lady, there is a hope that all men have,—
    Some mercy for their faults, a grassy place
    To rest in, and a flower-strown, gentle grave;
    Another hope which purifies our race,
    That, when that fearful bourne forever past,
    They may find rest,—and rest so long to...