• We can but follow to the Sun —

    As oft as He go down

    He leave Ourselves a Sphere behind —

    'Tis mostly — following —

    We go no further with the Dust

    Than to the Earthen Door —

    And then the Panels are reversed —

    And we behold — no more.

  • We Cover Thee — Sweet Face —

    Not that We tire of Thee —

    But that Thyself fatigue of Us —

    Remember — as Thou go —

    We follow Thee until

    Thou notice Us — no more —

    And then — reluctant — turn away

    To Con Thee o'er and o'er —

    And blame the scanty love

    We were Content...

  • We do not play on Graves —

    Because there isn't Room —

    Besides — it isn't even — it slants

    And People come —

    And put a Flower on it —

    And hang their faces so —

    We're fearing that their Hearts will drop —

    And crush our pretty play —

    And so we move as far


  • We don't cry — Tim and I,

    We are far too grand —

    But we bolt the door tight

    To prevent a friend —

    Then we hide our brave face

    Deep in our hand —

    Not to cry — Tim and I —

    We are far too grand —

    Nor to dream — he and me —

    Do we condescend —


  • We grow accustomed to the Dark —

    When light is put away —

    As when the Neighbor holds the Lamp

    To witness her Goodbye —

    A Moment — We uncertain step

    For newness of the night —

    Then — fit our Vision to the Dark —

    And meet the Road — erect —

    And so of larger — Darkness —...

  • We hail the day—the glorious day

     Which gave a nation birth;

    Where Freedom could her wand display

     Among the powers of earth.


       All hail—all hail! to th’ Stars and Stripes,

        The banner wide unfurled—

       Here high amid our mountain sky,

  • We knew not that we were to live —

    Nor when — we are to die —

    Our ignorance — our cuirass is —

    We wear Mortality

    As lightly as an Option Gown

    Till asked to take it off —

    By his intrusion, God is known —

    It is the same with Life —

  • We learn it in Retreating

    How vast an one

    Was recently among us —

    A Perished Sun

    Endear in the departure

    How doubly more

    Than all the Golden presence

    It was — before —

  • We like March.

    His Shoes are Purple —

    He is new and high —

    Makes he Mud for Dog and Peddler.

    Makes he Forests dry.

    Knows the Adder Tongue his coming

    And presents her Spot —

    Stands the Sun so close and mighty

    That our Minds are hot.

    News is he of all the others —...