• As I stood by yon roofless tower,

    Where the wa'flower scents the dewy air,

    Where the howlet mourns in her ivy bower,

    And tells the midnight moon her care.

    The winds were laid, the air was still,

    The stars they shot alang the sky;

    The fox was howling on the hill,

    And the distant echoing...

  •           Italia, in thy bleeding heart

                 I thought e'en hope was dead;

              That from thy scarred and prostrate form

                 The spark of life had fled.

              I thought, as memory's sunset glow

                 Its radiance o'er thee cast,

              That all thy glory and thy...

  • I thought, in the days of the droving,

    Of steps I might hope to retrace,

    To be done with the bush and the roving

    And settle once more in my place.

    With a heart that was well nigh to breaking,

    In the long, lonely rides on the plain,

    I thought of the pleasure of taking

    The hand of a lady again...

  • Volcanoes be in Sicily

    And South America

    I judge from my Geography —

    Volcanos nearer here

    A Lava step at any time

    Am I inclined to climb —

    A Crater I may contemplate

    Vesuvius at Home.

  • The band was playing a waltz-quadrille,

             I felt as light as a wind-blown feather,

    As we floated away, at the caller's will,

             Through the intricate, mazy dance together.

    Like mimic armies our lines were meeting,

    Slowly advancing, and then retreating,

             All decked in their bright...

  •         More proudly on thy winding course,

                Dark Alleghany! flow;

            The noblest burden thou couldst bear

                Is on thy waters now.


            But calm be every turbid wave,

                And hushed be wind and storm:

            There lies a Nation's destiny

  • Water makes many Beds

    For those averse to sleep —

    Its awful chamber open stands —

    Its Curtains blandly sweep —

    Abhorrent is the Rest

    In undulating Rooms

    Whose Amplitude no end invades —

    Whose Axis never comes.

  • Water, is taught by thirst.

    Land — by the Oceans passed.

    Transport — by throe —

    Peace — by its battles told —

    Love, by Memorial Mold —

    Birds, by the Snow.