• I HAVE done one braver thing
    Than all the Worthies did;

    And yet a braver thence doth spring,
    Which is, to keep that hid.

    It were but madness now to impart

  • Unfulfilled to Observation —

    Incomplete — to Eye —

    But to Faith — a Revolution

    In Locality —

    Unto Us — the Suns extinguish —

    To our Opposite —

    New Horizons — they embellish —

    Fronting Us — with Night.

  • Unit, like Death, for Whom?

    True, like the Tomb,

    Who tells no secret

    Told to Him —

    The Grave is strict —

    Tickets admit

    Just two — the Bearer —

    And the Borne —

    And seat — just One —

    The Living — tell —

    The Dying — but a Syllable —

    The Coy Dead —...

  • Father of all! In every age,

    In ev'ry clime ador'd,

    By saint, by savage, and by sage,

    Jehovah, Jove, or Lord!

    Thou Great First Cause, least understood,

    Who all my sense confin'd

    To know but this, that...

  • 'T was such a little, little boat

    That toddled down the bay !

    'T was such a gallant, gallant sea

    That beckoned it away !

    'T was such a greedy, greedy wave

    That licked it from the coast ;

    Nor ever guessed the stately...

  •            Make me no vows of constancy, dear friend,

               To love me, though I die, thy whole life long,

               And love no other till thy days shall end;

               Nay, it were rash and wrong.

               If thou canst love another, be it so;

               I would not reach out of my quiet grave...

  • Until the Desert knows

    That Water grows

    His Sands suffice

    But let him once suspect

    That Caspian Fact

    Sahara dies

    Utmost is relative —

    Have not or Have

    Adjacent sums

    Enough — the first Abode

    On the familiar Road

    Galloped in Dreams —


  • Unto a broken heart

    No other one may go

    Without the high prerogative

    Itself hath suffered too.

  • Unto like Story — Trouble has enticed me —

    How Kinsmen fell —

    Brothers and Sister — who preferred the Glory —

    And their young will

    Bent to the Scaffold, or in Dungeons — chanted —

    Till God's full time —

    When they let go the ignominy — smiling —

    And Shame went still —


  • Unworthy of her Breast

    Though by that scathing test

    What Soul survive?

    By her exacting light

    How counterfeit the white

    We chiefly have!