• His soul extracted from the public sink,
    For discord born he splasht around his ink;
    In scandal foremost, as by scandal fed,
    He hourly rakes the ashes of the dead.

    Secure from him no traveller walks the streets,
    His malice sees a foe in all he meets;
    With dark design he treads his daily rounds,
    Kills where he can, and, where he cannot,...

  •   in a branch of willow hid
    Sings the evening Caty-did:
    From the lofty-locust bough
    Feeding on a drop of dew,
    In her suit of green arrayed
    Hear her singing in the shade—
      Caty-did, Caty-did, Caty-did!

      While upon a leaf you tread,
    Or repose your little head
    On your sheet of shadows laid,
    All the day you nothing...

  • Thou, born to sip the lake or spring,
      Or quaff the waters of the stream,
    Why hither come, on vagrant wing?
      Does Bacchus tempting seem,—
        Did he for you this glass prepare?
        Will I admit you to a share?

    Did storms harass or foes perplex,
      Did wasps or king-birds bring dismay,—
    Did wars distress, or labors vex,...

  • The grandeur of this earthly round,
      Where Theon would forever be,
    Is but a name, is but a sound—
      Mere emptiness and vanity.

    Give me the stars, give me the skies,
      Give me the heaven’s remotest sphere,
    Above these gloomy scenes to rise
      Of desolation and despair.

    These native fires that warmed the mind.

  • ’t is of a gallant Yankee ship that flew the stripes and stars,
    And the whistling wind from the west-nor’-west blew through the pitch-pine spars;
    With her starboard tacks aboard, my boys, she hung upon the gale;
    On an autumn night we raised the light on the old Head of Kinsale.

    It was a clear and cloudless night, and the wind blew steady and strong,

  • There smiled the smooth Divine, unused to wound
    The sinner’s heart with hell’s alarming sound.
    No terrors on his gentle tongue attend;
    No grating truths the nicest ear offend.
    That strange new-birth, that methodistic grace,
    Nor in his heart nor sermons found a place.
    Plato’s fine tales he clumsily retold,
    Trite, fireside, moral seesaws,...

  • I love thy kingdom, Lord,
      The house of thine abode,
    The church our blest Redeemer saved
      With his own precious blood.

    I love thy church, O God!
      Her walls before thee stand,
    Dear as the apple of thine eye,
      And graven on thy hand.

    If e’er to bless thy sons
      My voice or hands deny,
    These hands let useful...

  • Days of my youth,
        Ye have glided away;
    Hairs of my youth,
        Ye are frosted and gray;
    Eyes of my youth,
        Your keen sight is no more;
    Cheeks of my youth,
        Ye are furrowed all o’er;
    Strength of my youth,
        All your vigor is gone;
    Thoughts of my youth,
        Your gay visions are flown.



  • I
    when darby saw the setting sun,
    He swung his scythe, and home he run,
    Sat down, drank off his quart, and said,
    “My work is done, I ’ll go to bed.”
    “My work is done!” retorted Joan,
    “My work is done! your constant tone;
    But hapless woman ne’er can say,
    ‘My work is done,’ till judgment day.
    You men can sleep all night, but...


  • The osprey sails above the sound,
      The geese are gone, the gulls are flying;
    The herring shoals swarm thick around,
      The nets are launched, the boats are plying;
        Yo ho, my hearts! let ’s seek the deep,
          Raise high the song, and cheerily wish her,
        Still as the bending net we sweep,
          “God bless the fish-hawk and the...