• From the Italian by Charles Eliot Norton
    SO gentle and so gracious doth appear
      My lady when she giveth her salute,
      That every tongue becometh, trembling, mute;
    Nor do the eyes to look upon her dare.
    Although she hears her praises, she doth go
      Benignly vested with humility;
      And like a thing come down she seems to be

  • From the Italian by Lord Byron
    From the “Divina Commedia: Inferno”
      AND then I turned unto their side my eyes,
    And said,—“Francesca, thy sad destinies
    Have made me sorrow till the tears arise.
      But tell me, in the season of sweet sighs,
    By what and how thy love to passion rose,
    So as his dim desires to recognize.”
      Then she to me...

  • From the Persian by William R. Alger

    TO heaven approached a Sufi Saint,
      From groping in the darkness late,
    And, tapping timidly and faint,
      Besought admission at God’s gate.

    Said God, “Who seeks to enter here?”
      “’T is I, dear Friend,” the Saint replied,
    And trembling much with hope and fear.
      “If it be thou, without abide...

  • Translated by Henry Francis Cary
    Selections from “The Divine Comedy”
    Hell: Canto III.
    “THROUGH me you pass into the city of woe:
    Through me you pass into eternal pain:
    Through me among the people lost for aye.
    Justice the founder of my fabric moved:
    To rear me was the task of power divine,
    Supremest wisdom, and primeval love....

  • Translated by Henry Francis Cary
    Selections from “The Divine Comedy”
    Purgatory: Canto VI.
                                WHEN I was freed
    From all those spirits, who prayed for others’ prayers
    To hasten on their state of blessedness;
    Straight I began: “O thou, my luminary!
    It seems expressly in thy text denied,
    That Heaven’s supreme...

  • Translated by Henry Francis Cary
    Selections from “The Divine Comedy”
    Purgatory: Canto XI.
    “O THOU Almighty Father! who dost make
    The heavens thy dwelling, not in bounds confined,
    But that, with love intenser, there thou view’st
    Thy primal effluence; hallowed be thy name:
    Join, each created being, to extol
    Thy might; for worthy...

  • Translated by Henry Francis Cary
    Selections from “The Divine Comedy”
    Purgatory: Canto XVI.
                                “YE, who live,
    Do so each cause refer to heaven above,
    E’en as its motion, of necessity,
    Drew with it all that moves. If this were so,
    Free choice in you were none; nor justice would
    There should be joy for virtue,...

  • Translated by Henry Francis Cary
    Selections from “The Divine Comedy”
    Purgatory: Canto XXVII.
    NOW was the sun so stationed, as when first
    His early radiance quivers on the heights,
    Where streamed his Maker’s blood; while Libra hangs
    Above Hesperian Ebro; and new fires,
    Meridian, flash on Ganges’ yellow tide.
      So day was sinking, when...

  • Translated by Henry Francis Cary
    Selections from “The Divine Comedy”
    Paradise: Canto VII.
                        WHAT I have heard,
    Is plain, thou say’st: but wherefore God this way
    For our redemption chose, eludes my search.
      “Brother! no eye of man not perfected,
    Nor fully ripened in the flame of love,
    May fathom this decree. It is a...

  • Translated by Henry Francis Cary
    Selections from “The Divine Comedy”
    Paradise: Canto XIV.
      AND lo! forthwith there rose up round about
    A lustre, over that already there;
    Of equal clearness, like the brightening up
    Of the horizon. As at evening hour
    Of twilight, new appearances through heaven
    Peer with faint glimmer, doubtfully...