Ho! city of the gay!
  Paris! what festal rite
Doth call thy thronging million forth,
  All eager for the sight?
Thy soldiers line the streets
  In fixed and stern array,
With buckled helm and bayonet,
  As on the battle-day.



Break forth, break forth, O Sudbury town,
  And bid your yards be gay
Up all your gusty streets and down,
  For Lydia comes to-day!

I hear it on the wharves below;
  And if I buy or sell,
The good folk as they churchward go
  Have only...

(Études latines, XVII)

Lydia, sur tes roses joues,
Et sur ton col frais et plus blanc
Que le lait, coule étincelant
L'or fluide que tu dénoues.

Le jour qui luit est le meilleur
Oublions l'éternelle tombe.
Laisse tes baisers de colombe

SLEEP, dearest, long and sweet,

      With smile upon thy brow,

Thy restless, tottering feet,

      Are surely weary now,

Trotting about all day

      Upon the nursery-floor,

Or happier still to play...
