• I
    priest of God, unto thee I come;
    Day doth dawn, though the mist lies deep.
    Trembling with dread from my home I fled;
    I have slain a man in the land of sleep.

    Him I met in a region dim,
    Where ever the sun shines faint and low,
    Where the moon is far as a tiny star,
    And rivers speed with a noiseless flow.

    In the tangled...

  • What shall we mourn? For the prostrate tree that sheltered the young green wood?
    For the fallen cliff that fronted the sea, and guarded the fields from the flood?
    For the eagle that died in the tempest, afar from its eyrie’s brood?

    Nay, not for these shall we weep; for the silver cord must be worn,
    And the golden fillet shrink back at last, and the dust to its...

  • The faithful helm commands the keel,
      From port to port fair breezes blow;
    But the ship must sail the convex sea,
      Nor may she straighter go.

    So, man to man; in fair accord,
      On thought and will the winds may wait;
    But the world will bend the passing word,
      Though its shortest course be straight.

    From soul to soul the...

  • He gathered cherry-stones, and carved them quaintly
      Into fine semblances of flies and flowers;
    With subtle skill, he even imaged faintly
      The forms of tiny maids and ivied towers.

    His little blocks he loved to file and polish;
      And ampler means he asked not, but despised.
    All art but cherry-stones he would abolish,
      For then his...

  • Dixon, a Choctaw, twenty years of age,
      Had killed a miner in a Leadville brawl;
    Tried and condemned, the rough-beards curb their rage,
      And watch him stride in freedom from the hall.

    “Return on Friday, to be shot to death!”
      So ran the sentence,—it was Monday night.
    The dead man’s comrades drew a well-pleased breath;
      Then all...

  • The red rose whispers of passion,
      And the white rose breathes of love;
    Oh, the red rose is a falcon,
      And the white rose is a dove.

    But I send you a cream-white rosebud
      With a flush on its petal tips;
    For the love that is purest and sweetest
      Has a kiss of desire on the lips.

  • Thunder our thanks to her—guns, hearts, and lips!
        Cheer from the ranks to her,
        Shout from the banks to her—
    Mayflower! Foremost and best of our ships.

    Mayflower! Twice in the national story
      Thy dear name in letters of gold—
      Woven in texture that never grows old—
    Winning a home and winning glory!
    Sailing the years to...

  • Frowning, the mountain stronghold stood,
    Whose front no mortal could assail;
    For more than twice three hundred years
    The terror of the Indian vale.
    By blood and fire the robber band
    Answered the helpless village wail.

    Hot was his heart and cool his thought,
    When Napier from his Englishmen
    Up to the bandits’ rampart glanced,...

  • I think if I should cross the room,
            Far as fear;
    Should stand beside you like a thought—
            Touch you, dear,

    Like a fancy,—to your sad heart
            It would seem
    That my vision passed and prayed you,
            Or my dream.

    Then you would look with lonely eyes—
            Lift your head—
    And you would...

  • One shadow glides from the dumb shore,
    And one from every silent sail.
    One cloud the averted heavens wear,
    A soft mask, thin and frail.

    Oh, silver is the lessening rain,
    And yellow was the weary drouth.
    The reef her warning finger puts
    Upon the harbor’s mouth.

    Her thin, wan finger, stiff and stark,
    She holds by night,...