• Oh, band in the pine-wood, cease!
      Cease with your splendid call;
    The living are brave and noble,
      But the dead are bravest of all!

    They throng to the martial summons,
      To the loud triumphant strain,
    And the dear bright eyes of long-dead friends
      Come to the heart again!

    They come with the ringing bugle,
      And the...

  • “at dawn,” he said, “I bid them all farewell,
      To go where bugles call and rifles gleam.”
    And with the restless thought asleep he fell,
          And glided into dream.

    A great hot plain from sea to mountain spread,—
      Through it a level river slowly drawn:
    He moved with a vast crowd, and at its head
          Streamed banners like the dawn....

  • Not midst the lightning of the stormy fight,
    Nor in the rush upon the vandal foe,
    Did kingly Death, with his resistless might,
          Lay the great leader low.

    His warrior soul its earthly shackles broke
    In the full sunshine of a peaceful town;
    When all the storm was hushed, the trusty oak
          That propped our cause went down.

  • “corporal green!” the Orderly cried;
      “Here!” was the answer loud and clear,
      From the lips of a soldier who stood near,—
    And “Here!” was the word the next replied.

    “Cyrus Drew!”—then a silence fell;
      This time no answer followed the call;
      Only his rear-man had seen him fall:
    Killed or wounded—he could not tell.


  • It was a Sergeant old and gray,
      Well singed and bronzed from siege and pillage,
    Went tramping in an army’s wake
      Along the turnpike of the village.

    For days and nights the winding host
      Had through the little place been marching,
    And ever loud the rustics cheered,
      Till every throat was hoarse and parching.

    The Squire and...

  • The morning is cheery, my boys, arouse!
    The dew shines bright on the chestnut boughs,
    And the sleepy mist on the river lies,
    Though the east is flushing with crimson dyes.
      Awake! awake! awake!
        O’er field and wood and brake,
      With glories newly born,
        Comes on the blushing morn.
          Awake! awake!

    You have...

  • Farragut, farragut,
      Old Heart of Oak,
    Daring Dave Farragut,
      Thunderbolt stroke,
    Watches the hoary mist
      Lift from the bay,
    Till his flag, glory-kissed,
      Greets the young day.

    Far, by gray Morgan’s walls,
      Looms the black fleet.
    Hark, deck to rampart calls
      With the drums’ beat!
    Buoy your...

  • Out of the clover and blue-eyed grass
      He turned them into the river-lane;
    One after another he let them pass,
      Then fastened the meadow-bars again.

    Under the willows, and over the hill,
      He patiently followed their sober pace;
    The merry whistle for once was still,
      And something shadowed the sunny face.

    Only a boy! and...

    I ’M a gwine to tell you bout de comin’ ob de Saviour,—
    Fare you well, Fare you well,
    Dere ’s a better day a-comin’,
    When my Lord speaks to his Fader,
    Says, Fader, I ’m tired o’ bearin’,
    Tired o’ bearin’ for poor sinners:
    O preachers, fold your Bibles;
    Prayer-makers, pray no more,
    For de last...

  • Sweet child of April, I have found thy place
    Of deep retirement. Where the low swamp ferns
    Curl upward from their sheaths, and lichens creep
    Upon the fallen branch, and mosses dark
    Deepen and brighten, where the ardent sun
    Doth enter with restrained and chastened beam,
    And the light cadence of the blue-bird’s song
    Doth falter in the cedar...