• When from the vaulted wonder of the sky
    The curtain of the light is drawn aside,
    And I behold the stars in all their wide
    Significance and glorious mystery,
    Assured that those more distant orbs are suns
    Round which innumerable worlds revolve,—
    My faith grows strong, my day-born doubts dissolve,
    And death, that dread annulment which life...

  • Father! whose hard and cruel law
        Is part of thy compassion’s plan,
        Thy works presumptuously we scan
    For what the prophets say they saw.

    Unbidden still, the awful slope
        Walling us in, we climb to gain
        Assurance of the shining plain
    That faith has certified to hope.

    In vain: beyond the circling hill

  • “you know, my friends, with what a brave carouse
    I made a second marriage in my house,—
      Divorced old barren Reason from my bed
    And took the Daughter of the Vine to spouse.”

    So sang the Lord of Poets. In a gleam
    Of light that made her like an angel seem,
      The Daughter of the Vine said: “I myself
    Am Reason, and the Other was a Dream...

  • I lay in silence, dead. A woman came
        And laid a rose upon my breast, and said,
    “May God be merciful.” She spoke my name,
        And added, “It is strange to think him dead.

    “He loved me well enough, but ’t was his way
        To speak it lightly.” Then, beneath her breath:
    “Besides”—I knew what further she would say,
        But then a...

  • I saw—’t was in a dream, the other night—
    A man whose hair with age was thin and white;
      One hundred years had bettered by his birth,
    And still his step was firm, his eye was bright.

    Before him and about him pressed a crowd.
    Each head in reverence was bared and bowed,
      And Jews and Gentiles in a hundred tongues
    Extolled his deeds and...

  • With saintly grace and reverent tread
        She walked among the graves with me;
        Her every footfall seemed to be
    A benediction on the dead.

    The guardian spirit of the place
        She seemed, and I some ghost forlorn,
        Surprised by the untimely morn
    She made with her resplendent face.

    Moved by some waywardness of will,...

  • God dreamed—the suns sprang flaming into place,
    And sailing worlds with many a venturous race.
    He woke—His smile alone illumined space.

  • Yes, he was that, or that, as you prefer,—
    Did so and so, though, faith, it was n’t all;
    Lived like a fool, or a philosopher,
    And had whatever’s needful to a fall.
    As rough inflections on a planet merge
    In the true bend of the gigantic sphere,
    Nor mar the perfect circle of its verge,
    So in the survey of his worth the small

  • Wherefore these revels that my dull eyes greet?
    These dancers, dancing at my fleshless feet;
    The harpers, harping vainly at my ears
    Deaf to the world, lo, thrice a thousand years!

    Time was when even I was blithe: I knew
    The murmur of the flowing wave, where grew
    The lean, lithe rushes; I have heard the moan
    Of Nilus in prophetic...

  •     o, when I hear at sea
        The water on our lee,
    I fancy that I hear the wind
        That combs my hemlock tree:

        But when beneath that tree
        I listen eagerly,
    I seem to hear the rushing wave
        I heard far out at sea.