• The half-world’s width divides us; where she sits
    Noonday has broadened o’er the prairied West;
    For me, beneath an alien sky, unblest,
    The day dies and the bird of evening flits.
    Nor do I dream that in her happier breast
    Stirs thought of me. Untroubled beams the star,
    And recks not of the drifting mariner’s quest,
    Who, for dear life, may...

  • The fifth from the north wall;
    Row innermost; and the pall
    Plain black—all black—except
    The cross on which she wept,
    Ere she lay down and slept.

    This one is hers, and this—
    The marble next it—his.
    So lie in brave accord
    The lady and her lord,
    Her cross and his red sword.

    And, now, what seekst thou here;...

  • To the sea-shell’s spiral round
    ’T is your heart that brings the sound:
    The soft sea-murmurs that you hear
    Within, are captured from your ear.

    You do poets and their song
    A grievous wrong,
    If your own soul does not bring
    To their high imagining
    As much beauty as they sing.

  • Though gifts like thine the fates gave not to me,
    One thing, O Hafiz, we both hold in fee—
    Nay, it holds us; for when the June wind blows
    We both are slaves and lovers to the rose.
    In vain the pale Circassian lily shows
    Her face at her green lattice, and in vain
    The violet beckons, with unveilëd face—
    The bosom’s white, the lip’s light...

  •   when the Sultan Shah-Zaman
    Goes to the city Ispahan,
    Even before he gets so far
    As the place where the clustered palm-trees are,
    At the last of the thirty palace-gates,
    The flower of the harem, Rose-in-Bloom,
    Orders a feast in his favorite room—
    Glittering squares of colored ice,
    Sweetened with syrop, tinctured with spice,...

  • Good-night! i have to say good-night
    To such a host of peerless things!
    Good-night unto the slender hand
    All queenly with its weight of rings;
    Good-night to fond, uplifted eyes,
    Good-night to chestnut braids of hair,
    Good-night unto the perfect mouth,
    And all the sweetness nestled there—
      The snowy hand detains me, then...

  • A soldier of the Cromwell stamp,
    With sword and psalm-book by his side,
    At home alike in church and camp:
    Austere he lived, and smileless died.

    But she, a creature soft and fine—
    From Spain, some say, some say from France;
    Within her veins leapt blood like wine—
    She led her Roundhead lord a dance!

    In Grantham church they lie...

  • Somewhere—in desolate wind-swept space—
      In Twilight-land—in No-man’s-land—
    Two hurrying Shapes met face to face,
      And bade each other stand.

    “And who are you?” cried one a-gape,
      Shuddering in the gloaming light.
    “I know not,” said the second Shape,
      “I only died last night!”

  • Wide open and unguarded stand our gates,
    Named of the four winds, North, South, East, and West;
    Portals that lead to an enchanted land
    Of cities, forests, fields of living gold,
    Vast prairies, lordly summits touched with snow,
    Majestic rivers sweeping proudly past
    The Arab’s date-palm and the Norseman’s pine—
    A realm wherein are fruits of...

  • The folk who lived in Shakespeare’s day
    And saw that gentle figure pass
    By London Bridge, his frequent way—
    They little knew what man he was.

    The pointed beard, the courteous mien,
    The equal port to high and low,
    All this they saw or might have seen—
    But not the light behind the brow!

    The doublet ’s modest gray or brown,...