•   strong in thy steadfast purpose, be
        Like some brave master of the sea,
    Whose keel, by Titan pulses quickened, knows
        His will where’er he goes.
    Some isle, palm-roofed, in spiced Pacific air
    He seeks—though solitary zones apart,
    Its place long fixed on his deep-studied chart.
      Fierce winds, your wild confusion make!

  • Come, all you sailors of the southern waters,
      You apparitions of the Spanish main,
    Who dyed the jewelled depths blood-red with slaughters,
      You things of crime and gain!

    Come, caravel and pinnace, on whose daring
      Rose the low purple of a new world’s shore;
    Come from your dreams of desperate sea-faring
      And sun your sails once more...

  • What ’s the brightness of a brow?
      What ’s a mouth of pearls and corals?
    Beauty vanishes like a vapor,
      Preach the men of musty morals!

    Should the crowd then, ages since,
      Have shut their ears to singing Homer,
    Because the music fled as soon
      As fleets the violets’ aroma?

    Ah, for me, I thrill to see
      The bloom a...

  • When stars pursue their solemn flight,
    Oft in the middle of the night,
    A strain of music visits me,
    Hushed in a moment silverly,—
    Such rich and rapturous strains as make
    The very soul of silence ache
    With longing for the melody;

    Or lovers in the distant dusk
    Of summer gardens, sweet as musk,
    Pouring the blissful burden...

  • It was nothing but a rose I gave her,—
      Nothing but a rose
    Any wind might rob of half its savor,
      Any wind that blows.

    When she took it from my trembling fingers
      With a hand as chill,—
    Ah, the flying touch upon them lingers,
      Stays, and thrills them still!

    Withered, faded, pressed between the pages,

  • Couldst thou, Great Fairy, give to me
    The instant’s wish, that I might see
    Of all the earth’s that one dear sight
    Known only in a dream’s delight,
    I would, beneath some island steep,
    In some remote and sun-bright deep,
    See high in heaven above me now
    A palm-tree wave its rhythmic bough!

    And yet this old pine’s haughty crown,...

  • Said the archangels, moving in their glory,
      Seeing the suns bend out along their courses,
        Seeing the earth swim up in vernal light,
    Seeing the year renew her ancient story,—
      Ask we here the Lord of all the finer forces
        To make us now a poet whose song shall reach our height!

    Fain would we know the impulse ever fleeing,

  • Wild stream the clouds, and the fresh wind is singing,
    Red is the dawn, and the world white with rime,—
    Music, O music! The hunter’s horn ringing!
    Over the hilltop the mounted men climb.

    Flashing of scarlet, and glitter, and jingle,
    The deep bay, the rhythm of hoof and of cry,—
    Echo, O echo! The winds rush and mingle!
    Halloo, view...

  • Bend low, O dusky Night,
      And give my spirit rest.
      Hold me to your deep breast,
    And put old cares to flight.
    Give back the lost delight
      That once my soul possest,
      When Love was loveliest.
    Bend low, O dusky Night!

    Enfold me in your arms—
      The sole embrace I crave
      Until the embracing grave

  • Roses and butterflies snared on a fan,
      All that is left of a summer gone by;
    Of swift, bright wings that flashed in the sun,
      And loveliest blossoms that bloomed to die!

    By what subtle spell did you lure them here,
      Fixing a beauty that will not change,—
    Roses whose petals never will fall,
      Bright, swift wings that never will range...