• We shun it ere it comes,

    Afraid of Joy,

    Then sue it to delay

    And lest it fly,

    Beguile it more and more —

    May not this be

    Old Suitor Heaven,

    Like our dismay at thee?

  • We talked with each other about each other

    Though neither of us spoke —

    We were listening to the seconds' Races

    And the Hoofs of the Clock —

    Pausing in Front of our Palsied Faces

    Time compassion took —

    Arks of Reprieve he offered to us —

    Ararats — we took —

  • We thirst at first — 'tis Nature's Act —

    And later — when we die —

    A little Water supplicate —

    Of fingers going by —

    It intimates the finer want —

    Whose adequate supply

    Is that Great Water in the West —

    Termed Immortality —

  • We wear our sober Dresses when we die,

    But Summer, frilled as for a Holiday

    Adjourns her sigh —

  • We — Bee and I — live by the quaffing —

    'Tisn't all Hock — with us —

    Life has its Ale —

    But it's many a lay of the Dim Burgundy —

    We chant — for cheer — when the Wines — fail —

    Do we "get drunk"?

    Ask the jolly Clovers!

    Do we "beat" our "Wife"?

    I — never wed —


  • We'll pass without the parting

    So to spare

    Certificate of Absence —

    Deeming where

    I left Her I could find Her

    If I tried —

    This way, I keep from missing

    Those that died.

  • Were it but Me that gained the Height —

    Were it but They, that failed!

    How many things the Dying play

    Might they but live, they would!

  • Were natural mortal lady

    Who had so little time

    To pack her trunk and order

    The great exchange of clime —

    How rapid, how momentous —

    What exigencies were —

    But nature will be ready

    And have an hour to spare.

    To make some trifle fairer

    That was too fair...

  • What care the Dead, for Chanticleer —

    What care the Dead for Day?

    'Tis late your Sunrise vex their face —

    And Purple Ribaldry — of Morning

    Pour as blank on them

    As on the Tier of Wall

    The Mason builded, yesterday,

    And equally as cool —

    What care the Dead for Summer?...

  • What did They do since I saw Them?

    Were They industrious?

    So many questions to put Them

    Have I the eagerness

    That could I snatch Their Faces

    That could Their lips reply

    Not till the last was answered

    Should They start for the Sky.

    Not if Their Party were waiting,...