• Come, walter Savage Landor, come this way;
    Step through the lintel low, with prose or verse,
    Tallest of latter men; the early star
    And latest setting sun of great compeers;
    Through youth, through manhood, and extremest age,
    Strong at the root, and at the top, blossoms
    Perennial. When culled the fields around
    Still calling up the great for...

  • The wind blows wild on Bos’n Hill,
      Far off is heard the ocean’s rote;
    Low overhead the gulls scream shrill,
      And homeward scuds each little boat.

    Then the dead Bos’n wakes in glee
      To hear the storm-king’s song;
    And from the top of mast-pine tree
      He blows his whistle loud and long.

    The village sailors hear the call,...

  • Now dandelions in the short, new grass,
    Through all their rapid stages daily pass;
    No bee yet visits them; each has its place,
    Still near enough to see the other’s face.
    Unkenn’d the bud, so like the grass and ground
    In our old country yards where thickest found;
    Some morn it opes a little golden sun,
    And sets in its own west when day is...

  • Thou art mine, thou hast given thy word;
      Close, close in my arms thou art clinging;
      Alone for my ear thou art singing
    A song which no stranger hath heard:
    But afar from me yet, like a bird,
    Thy soul, in some region unstirred,
      On its mystical circuit is winging.

    Thou art mine, I have made thee mine own;
      Henceforth we are...

  •     i have a little kinsman
    Whose earthly summers are but three,
        And yet a voyager is he
        Greater than Drake or Frobisher,
        Than all their peers together!
        He is a brave discoverer,
        And, far beyond the tether
        Of them who seek the frozen Pole,
    Has sailed where the noiseless surges roll.
        Ay, he has...

  • Just where the Treasury’s marble front
      Looks over Wall Street’s mingled nations;
    Where Jews and Gentiles most are wont
      To throng for trade and last quotations;
    Where, hour by hour, the rates of gold
      Outrival, in the ears of people,
    The quarter-chimes, serenely tolled
      From Trinity’s undaunted steeple,—

    Even there I heard...

  • So that soldierly legend is still on its journey,—
      That story of Kearny who knew not to yield!
    ’T was the day when with Jameson, fierce Berry, and Birney,
      Against twenty thousand he rallied the field.
    Where the red volleys poured, where the clamor rose highest,
      Where the dead lay in clumps through the dwarf oak and pine,
    Where the aim from...

  • Look on this cast, and know the hand
      That bore a nation in its hold:
    From this mute witness understand
      What Lincoln was,—how large of mould

    The man who sped the woodman’s team,
      And deepest sunk the ploughman’s share,
    And pushed the laden raft astream,
      Of fate before him unaware.

    This was the hand that knew to swing...

  • Soe, mistress Anne, faire neighbour myne,
      How rides a witche when nighte-winds blowe?
    Folk saye that you are none too goode
    To joyne the crewe in Salem woode,
    When one you wot in gives the signe:
      Righte well, methinks, the pathe you knowe.

    In Meetinge-time I watched you well,
      While godly Master Parris prayed:
    Your folded...

  • Where ’s he that died o’ Wednesday?
      What place on earth hath he?
    A tailor’s yard beneath, I wot,
      Where worms approaching be;
    For the wight that died o’ Wednesday,
      Just laid the light below,
    Is dead as the varlet turned to clay
      A score of years ago.

    Where ’s he that died o’ Sabba’ day?
      Good Lord, I ’d not be he...