• Suspense — is Hostiler than Death —

    Death — tho'soever Broad,

    Is Just Death, and cannot increase —

    Suspense — does not conclude —

    But perishes — to live anew —

    But just anew to die —

    Annihilation — plated fresh

    With Immortality —

  • Sweet hours have perished here,

    This is a timid room -

    Within it's precints hopes have played

    Now shadows in the tomb.

  • Sweet Skepticism of the Heart —

    That knows — and does not know —

    And tosses like a Fleet of Balm —

    Affronted by the snow —

    Invites and then retards the Truth

    Lest Certainty be sere

    Compared with the delicious throe

    Of transport thrilled with Fear —

  • Sweet, to have had them lost

    For news that they be saved —

    The nearer they departed Us

    The nearer they, restored,

    Shall stand to Our Right Hand —

    Most precious and the Dead —

    Next precious

    Those that rose to go —

    Then thought of Us, and stayed.

  • * * *

    The sword sung on the barren heath

    The sickle in the fruitful field

    The sword he sung a song of death

    But could not make the sickle yield[3]

  • * * *

    S—— in Childhood on the Nursery floor

    Was extreme Old & most extremely poor

    He is grown old & rich & what he will

    He is extreme old & extreme poor still

  • Take all away from me, but leave me Ecstasy,

    And I am richer then than all my Fellow Men —

    Ill it becometh me to dwell so wealthily

    When at my very Door are those possessing more,

    In abject poverty —

  • Take all away —

    The only thing worth larceny

    Is left — the Immortality —

  • Take your Heaven further on —

    This — to Heaven divine Has gone —

    Had You earlier blundered in

    Possibly, e'en You had seen

    An Eternity — put on —

    Now — to ring a Door beyond

    Is the utmost of Your Hand —

    To the Skies — apologize —

    Nearer to Your Courtesies

    Than this...