• ”On a whithered branch

    A crow is sitting

    This autumn eve.”

  • On F—— & S——

    I found them blind I taught them how to see

    And now they know neither themselves nor me

    Tis Excellent to turn a thorn to a pin

    A Fool to a bolt a knave to a glass of gin

  • Ah! wherefore should my weeping maid suppress

       Those gentle signs of undissembled woe?

    When from soft love proceeds the deep distress,

       Ah! why forbid the willing tears to flow?

    Since for my sake each dear translucent drop

       Breaks forth, best witness of thy truth sincere,

    My lips should drink...

  • The roving breezes come and go

    On Kiley's Run,

    The sleepy river murmurs low,

    Adnd far away one dimly sees

    Beyond the stretch of forest trees —

    Beyond the foothills dusk and dun —

    The ranges steeping in the sun

    On Kiley's Run.

    'Tis many years since first I came


  • I.
    LET all be husht, each softer Motion cease,

    Be ev'ry loud tumultuous Thought at Peace,

    And ev'ry ruder Gasp of Breath

    Be calm, as in the Arms of Death.

    And thou most fickle, most uneasie Part,

    Thou restless Wanderer, my Heart,

    Be still; gently, ah gently, leave,...

  • Her soul, unsetter'd from the bands of clay,

    With swift-wing'd haste to heaven takes its way;

    She tow'rs the æriel space on wings divine,

    While weeping friends surround the bloodless shrine:

    The soften'd heart there breathes a tender sigh,

    And grief sits pensive in each moisten'd eye:

    Suppress the rising...

  • On my volcano grows the Grass

    A meditative spot —

    An acre for a Bird to choose

    Would be the General thought —

    How red the Fire rocks below

    How insecure the sod

    Did I disclose

    Would populate with awe my solitude.

  •           Oh lovely semblance of a lovelier face!

                 Upon thy classic contour as I gaze,

              My eager thought flies through dividing space;

                 And to the living picture tribute pays.

              I see that brow with thought and goodness crowned,

                 I see those eyes with deep...

  • Tis she, upon the sapphire flood,
    Whose charms the world surprise,

    Whose praises, chanted in the wood,
    Are wafted to the skies,

    To view the...

  • On such a night, or such a night,

    Would anybody care

    If such a little figure

    Slipped quiet from its chair —

    So quiet — Oh how quiet,

    That nobody might know

    But that the little figure

    Rocked softer — to and fro —

    On such a dawn, or such a dawn —
