•                I

         Lars Porsena of Clusium

              By the Nine Gods he swore

         That the great house of Tarquin

              Should suffer wrong no more.

         By the Nine Gods he swore it,

              And named a trysting day,

         And bade his messengers ride forth,


  • A Lay Sung at the Banquet in the Capitol, on the Day Whereon
    Manius Curius Dentatus, a Second Time Consul, Triumphed Over King
    Pyrrhus and the Tarentines, in the Year of the City CCCCLXXIX.


         Now slain is King Amulius,

              Of the great Sylvian line,

  •       Straightway Virginius led the maid a little space aside,

       To where the reeking shambles stood, piled up with horn and hide,

       Close to yon low dark archway, where, in a crimson flood,

       Leaps down to the great sewer the gurgling stream of blood.

       Hard by, a flesher on a block had laid his whittle down:

  • Least Bee that brew —

    A Honey's Weight

    Content Her smallest fraction help

    The Amber Quantity —

  • Least Rivers — docile to some sea.

    My Caspian — thee.

  • When last I died, and, dear, I die

    As often as from thee I go,

    Though it be but an hour ago

    —And lovers' hours be full eternity—

    I can remember yet, that I

    Something did say, and something did bestow;

    Though I be dead, which sent me, I might be

    Mine own executor, and legacy.


  • A knave and a fool on an island were cast;

    Their ship had gone down in the hurricane's blast.

    On the island they met, while hungry and wet,

    A wise man who aid to them gave;

    They were given a home, with the freedom to roam,

    Bounded by naught but the wave.

    The fool, though demented, was easily...

  • Lest any doubt that we are glad that they were born Today

    Whose having lived is held by us in noble Holiday

    Without the date, like Consciousness or Immortality —

  • Lest they should come — is all my fear

    When sweet incarcerated here