• It's thoughts — and just One Heart —

    And Old Sunshine — about —

    Make frugal — Ones — Content —

    And two or three — for Company —

    Upon a Holiday —

    Crowded — as Sacrament —

    Books — when the Unit —

    Spare the Tenant — long eno' —

    A Picture — if it Care —

    Itself — a...

  • Its Hour with itself

    The Spirit never shows.

    What Terror would enthrall the Street

    Could Countenance disclose

    The Subterranean Freight

    The Cellars of the Soul —

    Thank God the loudest Place he made

    Is license to be still.

  • WHILE hisses, groans, cat-calls thro' the pit,

    Deplore the hapless poet's want of wit:
    J—n W—ts, from silence bursing in a rage,

    Cried, 'Men are mad who write in such an age.'

    'Not so,' replied his friend, a sneering blade,

    'The poet's only dull, the printer's mad.'

  • With many children was the Patriarch blest,

    Yet Joseph he preferr'd before the rest:

    To tend his flock was all the youth's employ

    To serve his God and Sire his only joy:

    Jacob of his lov'd consort now depriv'd,

    Beheld her graces in the son reviv'd;

    And all the love he had to Rachel gone,


  • The time of winter now is o’er—

     There’s verdure on the plain;

    We leave our shelt’ring roofs once more,

     And to our tents again.


       Thou Camp of Israel! onward move—

        O Jacob! rise and sing.

       Ye Saints! the world’s salvation prove,

        All hail...

  • Joy to have merited the Pain —

    To merit the Release —

    Joy to have perished every step —

    To Compass Paradise —

    Pardon — to look upon thy face —

    With these old fashioned Eyes —

    Better than new — could be — for that —

    Though bought in Paradise —

    Because they looked on...

  • Judgment is justest

    When the Judged,

    His action laid away,

    Divested is of every Disk

    But his sincerity.

    Honor is then the safest hue

    In a posthumous Sun —

    Not any color will endure

    That scrutiny can burn.

  • Just as He spoke it from his Hands

    This Edifice remain —

    A Turret more, a Turret less

    Dishonor his Design —

    According as his skill prefer

    It perish, or endure —

    Content, soe'er, it ornament

    His absent character.

  • Just Once! Oh least Request!

    Could Adamant refuse

    So small a Grace

    So scanty put,

    Such agonizing terms?

    Would not a God of Flint

    Be conscious of a sigh

    As down His Heaven dropt remote

    "Just Once" Sweet Deity?

  • Just so — Jesus — raps —

    He — doesn't weary —

    Last — at the Knocker —

    And first — at the Bell.

    Then — on divinest tiptoe — standing —

    Might He but spy the lady's soul —

    When He — retires —

    Chilled — or weary —

    It will be ample time for — me —

    Patient — upon the steps...