• He preached upon "Breadth" till it argued him narrow —

    The Broad are too broad to define

    And of "Truth" until it proclaimed him a Liar —

    The Truth never flaunted a Sign —

    Simplicity fled from his counterfeit presence

    As Gold the Pyrites would shun —

    What confusion would cover the innocent Jesus...

  • He put the Belt around my life

    I heard the Buckle snap —

    And turned away, imperial,

    My Lifetime folding up —

    Deliberate, as a Duke would do

    A Kingdom's Title Deed —

    Henceforth, a Dedicated sort —

    A Member of the Cloud.

    Yet not too far to come at call —

    And do the...

  • He strained my faith —

    Did he find it supple?

    Shook my strong trust —

    Did it then — yield?

    Hurled my belief —

    But — did he shatter — it?

    Racked — with suspense —

    Not a nerve failed!

    Wrung me — with Anguish —

    But I never doubted him —

    'Tho' for...

  • He told a homely tale

    And spotted it with tears —

    Upon his infant face was set

    The Cicatrice of years —

    All crumpled was the cheek

    No other kiss had known

    Than flake of snow, divided with

    The Redbreast of the Barn —

    If Mother — in the Grave —

    Or Father — on...

  • He touched me, so I live to know

    That such a day, permitted so,

    I groped upon his breast —

    It was a boundless place to me

    And silenced, as the awful sea

    Puts minor streams to rest.

    And now, I'm different from before,

    As if I breathed superior air —

    Or brushed a Royal Gown —...

  • He was my host — he was my guest,

    I never to this day

    If I invited him could tell,

    Or he invited me.

    So infinite our intercourse

    So intimate, indeed,

    Analysis as capsule seemed

    To keeper of the seed.

  • He was weak, and I was strong — then —

    So He let me lead him in —

    I was weak, and He was strong then —

    So I let him lead me — Home.

    'Twasn't far — the door was near —

    'Twasn't dark — for He went — too —

    'Twasn't loud, for He said nought —

    That was all I cared to know.


  • He went by sleep that drowsy route

    To the surmising Inn —

    At day break to begin his race

    Or ever to remain —

  • He who in Himself believes —

    Fraud cannot presume —

    Faith is Constancy's Result —

    And assumes — from Home —

    Cannot perish, though it fail

    Every second time —

    But defaced Vicariously —

    For Some Other Shame —

  • Heart! We will forget him!

    You and I — tonight!

    You may forget the warmth he gave —

    I will forget the light!

    When you have done, pray tell me

    That I may straight begin!

    Haste! lest while you're lagging

    I remember him!