• "You come and see me, boys," he said;

    "You'll find a welcome and a bed

    And whisky any time you call;

    Although our township hasn't got

    The name of quite a lively spot --

    You see, I live in Booligal.

    "And people have an awful down

    Upon the district and the town --

    Which worse...

  • He forgot — and I — remembered —

    'Twas an everyday affair —

    Long ago as Christ and Peter —

    "Warmed them" at the "Temple fire."

    "Thou wert with him" — quoth "the Damsel"?

    "No" — said Peter, 'twasn't me —

    Jesus merely "looked" at Peter —

    Could I do aught else — to Thee?

  • He fumbles at your Soul

    As Players at the Keys

    Before they drop full Music on —

    He stuns you by degrees —

    Prepares your brittle Nature

    For the Ethereal Blow

    By fainter Hammers — further heard —

    Then nearer — Then so slow

    Your Breath has time to straighten —

    Your Brain...

  • He gave away his Life —

    To Us — Gigantic Sum —

    A trifle — in his own esteem —

    But magnified — by Fame —

    Until it burst the Hearts

    That fancied they could hold —

    When swift it slipped its limit —

    And on the Heavens — unrolled —

    'Tis Ours — to wince — and weep —

  • * * *

    He has observd the Golden Rule

    Till hes become the Golden Fool[3]

  • * * *

    He is a Cock would[3]

    And would be a Cock[4] if he could

  • He is alive, this morning —

    He is alive — and awake —

    Birds are resuming for Him —

    Blossoms — dress for His Sake.

    Bees — to their Loaves of Honey

    Add an Amber Crumb

    Him — to regale — Me — Only —

    Motion, and am dumb.

  • He lived the Life of Ambush

    And went the way of Dusk

    And now against his subtle name

    There stands an Asterisk

    As confident of him as we —

    Impregnable we are —

    The whole of Immortality intrenched

    Within a star —

  • He outstripped Time with but a Bout,

    He outstripped Stars and Sun

    And then, unjaded, challenged God

    In presence of the Throne.

    And He and He in mighty List

    Unto this present, run,

    The larger Glory for the less

    A just sufficient Ring.

  • He parts Himself — like Leaves —

    And then — He closes up —

    Then stands upon the Bonnet

    Of Any Buttercup —

    And then He runs against

    And oversets a Rose —

    And then does Nothing —

    Then away upon a Jib — He goes —

    And dangles like a Mote

    Suspended in the Noon...