• Estranged from Beauty — none can be —

    For Beauty is Infinity —

    And power to be finite ceased

    Before Identity was leased.

  • Eternity

    He who binds to himself a joy

    Does the winged life destroy

    But he who kisses the joy as it flies

    Lives in eternity's sun rise[4]

  • It was while we held our races --

    Hurdles, sprints and steplechases --

    Up in Dandaloo,

    That a crowd of Sydney stealers,

    Jockeys, pugilists and spielers

    Brought some horses, real heelers,

    Came and put us through.

    Beat our nags and won our money,

    Made the game by no means...

  • Except the Heaven had come so near —

    So seemed to choose My Door —

    The Distance would not haunt me so —

    I had not hoped — before —

    But just to hear the Grace depart —

    I never thought to see —

    Afflicts me with a Double loss —

    'Tis lost — and lost to me —

  • Except to Heaven, she is nought.

    Except for Angels — lone.

    Except to some wide-wandering Bee

    A flower superfluous blown.

    Except for winds — provincial.

    Except by Butterflies

    Unnoticed as a single dew

    That on the Acre lies.

    The smallest Housewife in the grass,

  • The soul selects her own society,

    Then shuts the door ;

    On her divine majority

    Obtrude no more.

    Unmoved, she notes the chariot's pausing

    At her low gate ;

    Unmoved, an emperor is kneeling

    Upon her mat.

  • Exhilaration is the Breeze

    That lifts us from the Ground

    And leaves us in another place

    Whose statement is not found —

    Returns us not, but after time

    We soberly descend

    A little newer for the term

    Upon Enchanted Ground —

  • Exhilaration — is within —

    There can no Outer Wine

    So royally intoxicate

    As that diviner Brand

    The Soul achieves — Herself —

    To drink — or set away

    For Visitor — Or Sacrament —

    'Tis not of Holiday

    To stimulate a Man

    Who hath the Ample Rhine


  • Expanse cannot be lost —

    Not Joy, but a Decree

    Is Deity —

    His Scene, Infinity —

    Whose rumor's Gate was shut so tight

    Before my Beam was sown,

    Not even a Prognostic's push

    Could make a Dent thereon —

    The World that thou hast opened

    Shuts for thee,


  • Experiment to me

    Is every one I meet

    If it contain a Kernel?

    The Figure of a Nut

    Presents upon a Tree

    Equally plausibly,

    But Meat within, is requisite

    To Squirrels, and to Me.