• Empty my Heart, of Thee —

    Its single Artery —

    Begin, and leave Thee out —

    Simply Extinction's Date —

    Much Billow hath the Sea —

    One Baltic — They —

    Subtract Thyself, in play,

    And not enough of me

    Is left — to put away —

    "Myself" meanth Thee —


  • Endanger it, and the Demand

    Of tickets for a sigh

    Amazes the Humility

    Of Credibility —

    Recover it to Nature

    And that dejected Fleet

    Find Consternation's Carnival

    Divested of its Meat.

  • Ended, ere it begun —

    The Title was scarcely told

    When the Preface perished from Consciousness

    The Story, unrevealed —

    Had it been mine, to print!

    Had it been yours, to read!

    That it was not Our privilege

    The interdict of God —

  • Endow the Living — with the Tears —

    You squander on the Dead,

    And They were Men and Women — now,

    Around Your Fireside —

    Instead of Passive Creatures,

    Denied the Cherishing

    Till They — the Cherishing deny —

    With Death's Ethereal Scorn —

    English Encouragement of Art

    [First reading]

    If you mean to Please Every body you will

    Set to work both Ignorance & skill

    For a great multitude are Ignorant

    And skill to them seems raving & ran

  •                               "Hinc pallidorum longa morborum cohors

                                   Turpisque egestas sequitur," &c.